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Maestro in Asia

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  • Yes, Swensons has been a regular, got to fatten up the little guy, as he spent a year rebelling when the other little guy came around.

    Here's something to bring back memories:

    Won't they throw you back into prison if you go back to Malaysia?
    Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

    "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

    (more comments in my User Profile)


    • I dunno actually I'm supposed to be black listed for a year dunno if that's true or what have no idea I won't go back unless I know for sure I'm not goin yo flicking jail I yell ya that
      "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


      • Sorry to hear about mickey, enjoy the beach
        "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


        • Thanks. He was a magnificent dog. A little on the "I don't give a shit" side as he got older, but still lovable.

          Beach is hot. Traffic is horrible. Russians are everywhere, but surprisingly, in Patong the other night, noticed very very few of the Russian whores strutting their stuff. And the Russian nightclubs were mostly taken down, some apparently with big holes in the walls. I think the Thai mafia here got tired of dealing with the Russian mafia's attempts at controlling the hookers, and they pushed them out. Patong, by the way, was just overwhelmed with tourists. Crazy.

          Oh, I know how you love Obama. Thank god he got reelected; now I have a good reason to leave the country. Here's some tidbits that you should know:

          The year was 1947. Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, a little more than 64 years ago, numerous witnesses claim that an Unidentified Flying Object, (UFO), with five aliens aboard, crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered-up by the U.S. Air Force, as well as other Federal Agencies and Organizations. However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April, year 1948, nine months after the historic day, the following people were born:

          Barrack Obama Sr.
          Albert A. Gore, Jr.
          Hillary Rodham
          William J. Clinton
          John F. Kerry
          Howard Dean
          Nancy Pelosi
          Dianne Feinstein
          Charles E. Schumer
          Barbara Boxer
          Joe Biden

          This is the consequence of aliens breeding with sheep and jack-asses.
          I truly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you.
          It certainly did for me! And now you can stop wondering why they all
          support the bill to help all Illegal Aliens.
          Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

          "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

          (more comments in my User Profile)


          • lol, hillary rodham....ugh
            "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


            • hows thailand this time around? u guys havin a good time or what? drama free...?
              "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


              • Life is never drama free. But things are good here, the wife is happy, the little guy loves the school out here, and the little little guy doesn't give a shit where he eats and poops.
                Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                (more comments in my User Profile)


                • hepatitis free here
                  "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


                  • I know you missed her....

                    Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                    "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                    (more comments in my User Profile)


                    • jesus what a look....

                      i suppose i should write you a lil somethin i told you i would, when u back in states?
                      "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


                      • Two weeks. I think. Can't wait (with hidden sarcasm...)
                        Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                        "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                        (more comments in my User Profile)


                        • Where's Maestro?

                          Last I heard from him, he was at an airport getting ready to head back to Malaysia.

                          That was it. Weeks ago. Something about going back to see his one true love. Or some nonsense like that. Personally, I'd never make a long international trip just to see some girl.... Especially when that country imprisoned you and threatened you with deportation the last time you were there.

                          Now he's gone. Left on an airplane, off to Malaysia. To live with his favorite people, the Indians and the Muslims. And we don't hear from him.

                          Last text from him was from some airport in Abu Dabi. Deep in the heart of all the Arabs. And we all know what a mess that part of the world is now.

                          I've got these terrible thoughts about him, keep thinking of the movie "Midnight Express". I can just envision the poor bastard in some jail cell in Abu Dabi, bent over and tied to a bench in some prison bathroom, with his undies down around his ankles, and some fat Arabs hanging out with devious smiles on their faces, all pulling on their little members.

                          Or, even worse, imprisoned in some Abu Dabi Arab sweat shop in some basement of some sandstone building in some distant camel ridden village, in 130 degree heat, sweating in his undershorts, sewing bombs and ball bearings into suit vests.

                          Or, what if he makes it to Malaysia, and gets thrown into prison upon arrival? "We told you never to come back here..." Wonder what those prisons are like in Malaysia. Muslim guards, or Indian guards, which could be worse. And the food, oh, don't even want to think about that.

                          Or what if he does get through immigration, and his girlfriend's mother finds out that he's back in the country? No, she won't be waiting for him at the airport with chocolate chip cookies and a loving look. I have no doubt, after hearing the stories, that she'll kill the poor bastard. Or at least castrate him. Does mom even know about all that boom boom from two years ago? Oh, god forbid she find out. "He did what? Fucked my daughter without marrying her, or, even meeting me first? I'll have his head! The big one, and the little one..."

                          Or, what if he does get into the country, without the parents knowing, and does meet up with his one true love? What happens when he meets her new boyfriend, the one that she's been hiding during those fake love talk sessions on Skype all last year? Will he get along with Leroy Tyrone Jones? Or, is it some Indian named Patel? Or, Abdul? Or maybe all three?

                          Does she still love him? Does she remember him? Does anyone care? Why is he traveling across the planet to see some girl in some god forsaken country when he could get all the pussy he could possibly dream about, right there in beautiful downtown New Haven Connecticut?

                          What to do with poor Maestro. Let's all hope that we hear from him soon. I'd hate to see him disappear; hell, he's the only one who visits these forums. I'd have no one left to talk to... THE HORROR!
                          Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                          "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                          (more comments in my User Profile)


                          • lol, those details seem to be a bit biased i remember txting you a few times on my little malaysian vacation...

                            and ive been meaning to call you, honestly im just to broke to top up my prepaid its the only reason i dont send you goofy texts and random messages all the time lolo...i need a better job.

                            anyway to set the record straight, abu dhabi was fine, so was malaysian they didnt give me a second look on arrival, i guess changing passports was a good idea. and for the record, last year they detained me, interrogated me, fined me and then blacklisted AND deported me....

                            i definitely cant deny the charm of asia... i wish i could spend more time there

                            as for mandy, everything was fine, no bf, met her dad...not mom lol, no thanks not now....she doesnt speak english anyway but i was scared to even meet the dad so id rather not think of the mom ive heard her go off on mandy more times than i can count

                            dad loved me, me and mandy had a great time together, ate a ton got really fat now im here attempting to get back my girlish figure

                            what else, came back got surgery the next day.... first surgery of my life and for sure a very embarrassing day for me

                            venous ablation, basically something like this.... they say.. here get naked, these two female nurses are gonna stare at your dick while i rub you down with iodine, throwing your leg in all kinds of wierd angles with your balls and ass hanging out, then im gonna make you look like a bitch by sticking anesthesia in your leg over and over and burn you with a wire..

                            wasnt that bad actually except for the embarrassing part, and also of the fucking nurses there comes to dunkin every damn day for coffee!!! lolo....ah what a world

                            oh and what else do we have here, new haven connecticut? nope, not lucky or rich enough to go to yale, more like mystic connecticut...liberal douche lord hell, no wonder my mom so happy here...

                            anyway, what else is there to say, school starts monday, another surgery in a month, and plannin on removing some of these tattoos, how bout that!!! o.O big update
                            "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


                            • Glad you got fat. Happened to me too; this fatherhood shit is tough on the body. (forget the marriage half of it, that can be hell on the body). So Mandy is still being a true love? I'm surprised, after all this time and distance. You better give up your life in America and head back and marry her. You won't find dedicated women like that on this side of the planet.

                              As for your surgery, I'll be looking around YouTube. No doubt one of your nurses used her camera phone...
                              Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                              "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                              (more comments in my User Profile)


                              • Here, check this out, especially since you just got back from Asia. You need this:

                                it will help get you re accustomed to normalcy.
                                Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                                "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                                (more comments in my User Profile)

