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fareheit 9/11 review - Roger Ebert

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  • #76
    I saw the movie last night

    I saw 'Fahrenheit 9/11' last night. Oh my, I hope the movie is still in the theaters when Doc comes back to Vegas, cause I am dragging his Bush-Loving Ass as soon as possible to see it. An overhelming view into the Bush Gang. If Bush gets re-elected on Nov. 2 , I am moving out of the country.
    I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
    "Life can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade."
    "I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle."
    "Whatever guy said that money don't buy you pleasure didn't know where to go shopping"


    • #77

      Sorry you beleived all of Michael Moores lies. I thought you were smarter then that. You need to start watching news channels and getting the facts.

      If Kerry gets elected I am moving off the planet.


      • #78
        Steve, the goddesses will miss you. Prayer just won't be the same.

        God bless our wicked little souls.
        Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

        "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

        (more comments in my User Profile)


        • #79
          if bush gets elected, i'm downing an entire bottle of jack daniels that night.

          if kerry gets elected, i'm downing an entire bottle of jim beam that night.

          i can promise this to you.


          • #80
            See Fahrenheit 9/11

            Originally posted by mortal

            Sorry you beleived all of Michael Moores lies. I thought you were smarter then that. You need to start watching news channels and getting the facts.
            First, Don't you dare even fricken try to insult my intelligence like that.

            Lies?.. I don't think Moore lied at all. Michael Moore just showed what happened and hardly spoke. It's just the facts. Much of the movie I already saw on the news years ago. I watch too much news, read for hours many different news sources on the internet from all over the world. For you to question me on the news is offensive.
            (edited to be polite and keep my real thoughts from being censored by the powers that be)

            Big Question.. Why are we still or ever were in Iraq?
            What is the Bush Family's Business?
            Where did a major amount of the money come from to back the companies that the Bush's and friends of the Bush's come from?
            Saudi Arabia and the Bin Ladens...
            Why is the US attacking Iraq and Afghanistan still? Why are soldiers dying in Iraq?
            Why are we being charged over 2 dollars a gallon for gas, when there is thousands of barrels of oil in Texas and Alaska?
            Why does Saudi Arabia own almost a TRILLION Dollars of America?
            Cause Bush let them.

            Did you even see the movie?
            Watch it first before you tell me not to believe Michael Moore..
            See the movie, make up your own mind after... I have.
            Last edited by Steve; 07-14-2004, 07:24 PM.
            I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
            "Life can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade."
            "I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle."
            "Whatever guy said that money don't buy you pleasure didn't know where to go shopping"


            • #81
              i think that going to iraq was a bad idea, but even i don't think oil had anything to do with it.


              • #82
                All about OIL..

                Iraq has oil reserves of 115 billion barrels of oil, which is the second largest reserve in the world.....

                First is Saudi Arabia with 265 billion barrels of oil in reserves, Kuwait has 98 billion and Iran has 96 billion ...
                ITS ALL ABOUT OIL!

                If you don't think it not about OIL, you need to come out of the cave you been meditating in.

                Numbers are not exact, but just type "largest oil reserves" into Google and see yourself.
                Last edited by Steve; 07-14-2004, 07:46 PM.
                I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
                "Life can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade."
                "I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle."
                "Whatever guy said that money don't buy you pleasure didn't know where to go shopping"


                • #83
                  no i think i'll stay here with just about everyone else in the free world...


                  • #84
                    The "Free World" is getting smaller. Freedoms are being taken away.
                    I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
                    "Life can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade."
                    "I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle."
                    "Whatever guy said that money don't buy you pleasure didn't know where to go shopping"


                    • #85
                      Steve why all the animosity?

                      After reading your posts I just assumed you weren't actually following the news. lol Sorry.

                      So you say your informed and you still believe that stuff?

                      Steve after reading your other posts I will never take anything you say seriously again about politics.

                      Why is Bush only worth 15 million if he is making all this money off of oil?


                      • #86
                        name the lies

                        The Bush Family has way more money than that. Officially as the President, George W. Bush only makes $400k a year and has to be worth far more than 15 million, he made that just off the sale of the Texas Rangers Baseball Team.

                        Okay, it is just too easy to call Michael Moore a liar, if he is, name the lies in his movie.

                        Does the Bush Family not have ties to Saudi Arabia?

                        Does Saudi Arabia not support Terrorists?

                        Did the Bin Laden Family not give billions of dollars to businesses that George W. Bush and Cheney ran?

                        Are there not soldiers dying in Iraq from war that should not have happend?

                        Are companies not benefiting from the war have close ties to the Bush Family and Friends?

                        Why does the close relationship of Prince Bandar bin Sultan with the Bushes not scare you? It should.

                        Name the "Lies" of Michael Moore without just calling him a liar.....
                        I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
                        "Life can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade."
                        "I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle."
                        "Whatever guy said that money don't buy you pleasure didn't know where to go shopping"


                        • #87
                          Steve your wrong on so many points I don't have time to address them all.

                          The main one is George Bush's net worth. It is 15 million. That is a fact. If you don't know that you are living in a cave.

                          Yes he has ties to the saudis. So what. He has ties to every government.

                          Yes Saudi arabia supports terrorists. They have to play both sides of the fence putting them in a very bad situation

                          I think that war should have happened. We took a dictator out of power that gassed thousands of his own poeple. You probably don't care about them though. And yes they had wmd's. They had months to prepare for our attack. In that time they smuggled the weopons to Syria.

                          Companies always benefit from war. It is an economy stimulator. Always has been.

                          Why should any relationship our president has scare me? He is our president and he is agood and decent person. He routed terrorism from afganistan and Iraq. He caused libya to disarm there weapons and bow down to us. We are the greatest super power in history. We don't need anyones oil. We are the most prosperous counrty in the world. Most of these **** eating countries rely on us just to get by.


                          • #88

                            What is Bush worth exactly by your figures. Spell out your math for all us ignorant republicans.


                            • #89
                              Impossible to tell, where does your only 15 million come from?

                              And how much is the Bush Sr. fortune worth?

                              And why does the Bush Family hide the fact that they inherited from the Nazis?
                              Last edited by Steve; 07-14-2004, 10:24 PM.
                              I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed.
                              "Life can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade."
                              "I would just like to say that after all these years of heavy drinking, bright lights and late nights, I still don't need glasses. I drink right out of the bottle."
                              "Whatever guy said that money don't buy you pleasure didn't know where to go shopping"


                              • #90
                                I've heard it on every major news channel. The way you talk I thought you would have your own number carved in stone.

                                Again people believe what they want. There lies the problem in politics.

                                It is a system of checks and balances in its own warped way.

                                When it comes to accusing our president of being a criminal I consider that slander. That is what the desperate liberal left has been doing.

