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  • Futility is your middle name.

    Considering the surface temperature of Venus, it's highly unlikely he said that. He did say a lot of other things though, that many have said have saved their lives. Won't list them now....


    • Past lives is not metaphysical. It's proven with the use of the "e-meter".... See ya.


      • Can I answer that? Psychiatry and psychology are both crap sciences. Psychiatry is medical, using drugs and electroshock to "help" their victims. Recent news story about parents who, under the advice of their psychiatrist, put their kids in cages. Psychology, strictly speaking is the study of the spirit, though they never heard of it. It's a behavioral science.


        • Dianetics and Scientology have effective techniques. When read about, then applied, I have found the same or better results than others have. A small percentage have not. There is no such thing as 100%, so you're bound to see a minority fringe squawk and complain. Looks like the fringe lives on this web blog. Geesh....


          • Past lives is not metaphysical. It's proven with the use of the "e-meter".... See ya.
            A small percentage have not [found dianetics effective]... Looks like the fringe lives on this web blog. Geesh....
            you are deluded beyond repair. there is simply no other way for me to describe what i'm reading.

            Futility is your middle name.
            apparently. this however says much more about limni and yourself than it does about any of us. you should think about that, but i know you won't. like i said, beyond repair.
            Last edited by zachsan; 09-15-2005, 08:35 PM.


            • Wanna hear him say it? it's real audio...

              PISANG69 hari ini menjadi top #1 agen game online gacor server infini88 terpercaya yang sudah berlisensi resmi dari pemerintah. Ayo Gabung sekarang!

              That's supposedly a quote from a Lecture he gave. There are numerous printed references to him having said that about the train.

              the e-meter is laughable. Try taking a few physics courses and maybe an intro to electronics course. Wet your nose and stick it into a live light socket, that'll show you your past lives, too.
              Whatever doesn't kill me had better be able to run damn fast.

              "You are one of the most self-deluded immature idiots I've come across here for a time..." —Blooming T. Lotus


              • I will not bother with your "quote". As for the meter, it is a highly precise instrument and yet simple, based on the wheatstone bridge principle. It does nothing in and of itself, but with the right questions and commands, a person can discover things about himself and come to a true understanding. You don't get it though. I guess being an atheistic nerd on a blog is the greatest height you've achieved, eh? I can see why I haven't been here in some time.

                Discussing psychiatry is on topic by the way, because people with relationship problems and other kinds of problems go to them for help. Dianetics is an alternative to that. And much more effective. As I said, the proof is in the application rather than being blessed by the APA and AMA communities. - Later.


                • Wet my nose and put it where? My, what a sense of humor. Doctors, Psychs and such ilk are not allowed to even touch an emeter, per US law handed down in the sixties. Have you been playing with one? Do you even know what a wheatstone bridge is? I'll wait while you look it up. It is interesting how one's viewpoint colors one's messages here. I think you're deluded and in the "matrix" of 21st century psych-based brainwashing and you think that as I'm bucking that culture that I'm somehow "wrong" for feeling that way. You're out there, and plum crazy... There is no doubt in my mind that Scientology works well. There is also no doubt that some critics were that way because some staff somewhere did not standardly apply the techniques. That's clear. I could put you on a meter and find out your birthday or some event in your life without you saying a word. That's how powerful it is (though my example ain't the best, you get the idea).

                  If Scn is such a "lie" (it isn't), then why are we making people in the Louisiana/Gulf Coast area glad we're there? Successes still pour from the NYC ground zero as firemen are being cleansed of drug and pollution impurities caused by 9/11. Tom Cruise is not my hero but he is a man who stands up for what he believes in, and that you have to admire, whether you're for Scn or against it.

                  Yes, I do attack stupidity, ignorance of a basic value system and psychiatry. See for the latest psych lambast.

                  Scn has been around close to fifty years and has survived where other organizations under similar governmental stress have failed.

                  You never answered my question or perhaps I didn't put it simply enough for you to understand (the latter being more likely): What would you do instead of Dn and Scn? How do you help your areas and community? Maestro originally asked what this was and that's the answer.

                  By the way, I can prove scientific principles in my livingroom, take weights, etc., do a "Galileo" ya know. Scn can be proven too, without the "peer review" BS... Did I step on your toes again, babe?

                  Anyway, that's where I stand. Any intelligent questions this time?

                  Thanks doc for your input. I can't agree with a lot of what you say, but I can agree to your right to say it.....


                  • This is an interesting comment on the psych industry; the link is a non-Scn (not affiliated with Scn) link:


                    • Doctors, Psychs and such ilk are not allowed to even touch an emeter, per US law handed down in the sixties.
                      Why? Got a reference for that? I'd like to read more.
                      Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                      "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                      (more comments in my User Profile)


                      • always attack, never defend. Good boys.

                        in my first paragraph, I stated that I think different methods work for different people. I don't have a problem with alternative therapies and approaches . I employ some alternative methods in my own life and training. I don't doubt that Scn works in a specific capacity for some people. My problem with the CoS is that it labels itself a church, requires unhealthy levels and types of participation from its members, whom it rules over with an iron fist -- some to the point of harassment, abandonment, and death. If you get joy out of your cult, then yippee for you, but it's still a cult.

                        The people in Louisiana were happy to see you because you probably brought food and money. Just like the food and insulin that I helped to box and ship out from NC last weekend, just like the efforts that people all over the country are making to help, except that most of our help comes without the sales pitch.

                        And yes, I know what a wheatstone bridge is, it's a circuit that measures state changes in electronics. it's not magic or particularly special. The fact that you may think its use is unique to scientology in some way is kind of amusing.

                        Still waiting on your comments about 'lower condition' penalties. Also am interested in seeing the answer to Doc's query above.
                        Whatever doesn't kill me had better be able to run damn fast.

                        "You are one of the most self-deluded immature idiots I've come across here for a time..." —Blooming T. Lotus


                        • i would also be interested in seeing links to controlled studies in which auditors with e-meters tell people things about themselves that they did not reveal voluntarily. yes, peer-reviewed studies. i'm not surprised that you're unconcerned with the process; it's only something real scientists have to worry about. in a nutshell, it means studies that are evaluated by people who know what they're talking about and don't stand to make a profit off of the results.


                          • info on the E-meter and the various court rulings associated with it.

                            The court found that Scientology was making claims that auditing with an E-meter could cure illness. It was ruled that E-meters and any literature describing their use must carry a disclaimer stating that the device " ... has been condemned by a United States District Court on the grounds that the literature of Dianetics and Scientology contains false and misleading claims of a medical or scientific nature and that the E-meter has no proven usefulness in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease ..."

                            "As a matter of formal doctrine, the Church professes to have abandoned any contention that there is a scientific basis for claiming cures resulting from E-meter use. The Church, however, continued widely to circulate Scientology literature such as Government's exhibits 16 and 31, which hold out false scientific and medical promises of certain cure for many types of illnesses."

                            Interesting page on the E-Meter:

                            so basically Doc, you are warned against using one because it's a big lie connected to two soup cans.
                            Whatever doesn't kill me had better be able to run damn fast.

                            "You are one of the most self-deluded immature idiots I've come across here for a time..." —Blooming T. Lotus


                            • Damn.

                              I wanted one.

                              Thought it might grow hair on my head or something.
                              Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                              "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                              (more comments in my User Profile)


                              • the courts clearly are all members of the fringe minority.

