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  • Plum, I did used to play that. Only online, someone can't get fed up with it and hide in the bushes with a baseball bat.
    Becoming what I've dreamed about.


    • Bs disciples don't advocoate buddhism ( however subtley) and the cultivation of qi ( "bad" or blocked or whathaveyou qi being ioo( in our opinions) the cause of yi-xin deficiencies resulting in problematic or eradict or unbalanced pyschology , we also try to cultivate a fully functional and productive existance ( alah operating thetan) , empty mindedness where negativity doesn't exist and we go out of way ( if it wasn't where our way is and was suppose to be ) to make sure we try to make that happen for ppl..... I think in lay terms they call it compassion ( and in western clinical terms - behavioural sciences )......... and yes ..we also as a function of the nature of the insight do it on grand scales and try to get the information and opportunity to as many as we can ......
      wtf do you think I nearly kill myself to get a phd together for and why so many of us chan buddhists do it so hard to bring you into our world should you be looking that way !'s not like any one here is providing a perspective any deeper ! ...........

      I think you're confusing martial artistry with the belief system it came from to start with anyway and are as far I'm concerned making seriously rude and naively spiritually juvineille academic asses of yourself mainly because of somewhere between your ignorance and your arrogance ( meaning btw that as hard as you are to communicate with that you're exactly who should be made an effort to do it with ) but you're welcome to carry on how you choose..after all....that's the point of the whole trip !



      • You still haven't explained what that has to do with the "reactive mind".

        On a side note, here's an interesting link, which, while lewd, accurately states the issue.

        just click "watch this movie" when the page loads

        Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


        • I've got a couple hrs before the newly kitted bike is ready anyway so fine...

          give me sec to find some notes ........


          • no idea where they are .. I've done so many meetings and that much paper work this week that I think I'll need juuuust a little more time on it...
            I did prepare something last week though and I'm suuure they're here somewhere...
            ( !!!????.....)

            on the reactive mind though ....... I'm not sure what you're not getting.....

            as far as I can relate it, the reactive mind is according to "them" where our " engrams" are recorded and relate to a "programme "record of a certain series of various stimuli ( like sound...... tone..smell ....physical .... visual- spatial particulars...texures of the visual input and so on ........ ) to make a complete subconcious memory string........ like those bad memories on the borders of your mind ( and those that say they've never had a negative thought or a behaviour because of it are just deluding themselves ) and are
            stored ( with those reactive behaviours ) and potentially triggered by any number of combination of exposure to any of the exponents of the sequence.....

            by auditing , which is a verry similar process to basic > ch'an meditation and falun and even ninjutsu style pre- qigong's where you do the mind cleanse and allow your subconcious to overwrite the programme by assimilating the frequency of that pattern and associating a different feeling with it........ like peace and satisfaction and "unreasonable" happiness......

            similar to what Tony Robbins proven NLP methods do ....... for say smoking for example where you identify the feeling you're after, and the feeling you get from smoking then it either makes happy math or it doesn't ........... like the fat chick who eats because she's bummed out about not getting attention but ends up only getting negative attention if any at all and so need for acknowlegement ( a fairly normal and nautral human desire for most non-monks etc) mainly from friends and family etc ( as desciribed as a facet of the second urge of the eight dynamics of scn) has an associated "engrm" and respective behaviours and consequences that will likely only escalte and cumulate until "fixed" ........ via auditing or ch'an style programme overwriting and particularly being your main question was re relationship to qigong theories , especially as described in the falun qi cultivation methjods and why lihongzhi says that you should expect to go crazy intermitmitently while you initially embark.......... and why I think that most ppl are just crazy anyway and without such methods to walk them through it to the side of the engram.... happily carry on in their dilemas and are noone the wiser......literally ......... until they reflect .......and take action to resolve and change perspectives and habits and so .......

            aaand according to buddhist theories of how human existnce all works...... before and after we're here ....... the functional goal of an ambition twd the nxt stage of spiritual evolution to at the end result in a nirvana ( or assimilatyion and resolution of energy to disipate back into the universe and enter "heaven" where no conflict resides ) and live as an operating thetan or live with awareness of "more " purpose than our frail impermanet bodies and acknowledge that we "are" I am , u r, energies or souls or spirits currently and tempoarorily riding around in a human vessel.

            I really hope that makes some sense some for you, and particularly Daodejing ( no pun on name choice btw ) but I'll leave you with that a moment and feel free to abuse me with questions on it if u need to because likely I won't be far .......

            cheers and amitaba

            Last edited by blooming tianshi lotus; 09-10-2005, 12:26 AM.


            • I get what your saying but it still doesnt ................. eh nevermind, I suppose it just comes down to the notion that L. Ron Hubbard's definition of the "reactive mind" is far far different from my interpretation of said term.

              Anyways, go take the link in my last post, its U^*&^&*%^%$^$ hillarious.
              Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


              • So what's your take on it all then ??? ....... and if the constistencies "I" found aren't consistent with both each other and a good logic ..then there's another perspctive right???........ 'I'm' open. .......

                anyone....????? ...and why can't post smileys and use my fonts ???

                Last edited by blooming tianshi lotus; 09-10-2005, 12:41 AM.


                • I was operating under the notion that "the reactive mind" was the part of the consciousness responsible for spontaneously reacting to stumuli. As such, training of said mind is very important to a martial artist. This was the origin of my joke about operating thetans being unable to react to stimuli.

                  With this in mind, I fail to see how the reactive mind must, as Limni said, be destroyed for the good of the populace. I also fail to see what that has to do with your talk about the basics of spiritual indoctrination.
                  Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


                  • 'Dao" de jing ha ????

                    mm hmmm.. you sure that optimal martial reaction thing doesn't come from satori where the idea is to "not' have a reactive mind rooted in thought???? ......and where do you suppose the order on how to react came from when you're talking forefront concious???? ...and why do ppl do that differently u think ???.......... wouldn't be an " ego" ( as in the thing as a chan or zen buddhist and qigong practioner one usually strives to do without as often as possible to lket our natural nature drive the ship) function pendant on individual life path , prior stimuli and resulting synopsis by chance ...........

                    We do understand here what zen and empty mindedness actually "is" and the benifits ( including martially ) of having one right ???..............

                    ......btw : joke was funny...... I'm sure once his friends had told him he'd been attacked by a tiger and a thousand mosiquitos while meditating, Damo
                    himself 'd likely appreciate it aswell. .......... d'you blame him???.......'least he came back though.




                    • Originally posted by LeiYunFat
                      GOD DAMNIT, woman! Get back in your cage! Although you're on my ignore list, your posts still reek.

                      Don't bother, I won't read it.
                      Well, for a price, to the "right" people, she can be put back you know....
                      Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                      "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                      (more comments in my User Profile)


                      • you guys can start a collection thread.


                        • I see while I was away, the boys were talking about me behind my back. Geesh. Some good points brought up, but really the only intelligent question was from our Buddist friend here. The "reactive mind" is not the same as having reaction time or the same as a trained, analytical response to a danger. In fact, a person without one, as shown by test, has an increased reaction time without this mind. Freud came close when he called it the unconscious but it's more than that. I do refer you to the Dianetics website ONLY because it has the best explanation I do not want to reiterate here. Look at I realize some of you guys prefer interpretations rather than read the original source references. That's too bad.

                          My understanding and training in Scientology is NOT based on belief but on actual scientific proof that (a) man is more than just a blob of blood and stardust (b) you are a spiritual being and have lived before and (c) your aberrations are exacerbated by this reactive mind, where when it is relieved, the person becomes much more able to decide and to choose as he wishes and wants rather than being dictated by the subconscious.

                          As I said before, I do not know anything about McPherson. Why not write in and ask for the court transcripts? And read both sides rather than pick & choose whatever backs up your biased intentions.

                          Scientologists are mobilizing to help the people of Louisiana. Are you doing or supporting any other organizations that are doing something about it? A fascinating question: why is it that I go onto other sites as well as this, and Scientology has more postings and more comments than any other issue? See the quote below for some good news about this effective religious movement:

                          On Tuesday, the Volunteer Ministers were officially assigned the hat of helping a government agency in the relocation of hundreds of homeless people to new shelters. We have been given clearance to provide counseling and assistance to people through Scientology techniques.

                          And further, the Sheriffs office of the Vermilon Parish (a county) of Louisiana has stated in an official letter the following:

                          The international Scientology Disaster Response Team is operating in the State of Louisiana in response to the devastation created in our fellow parishes in South East Louisiana. More than 300 volunteers are coming to Louisiana with this team to ensure that correct aid is given to those affected by Katrina.

                          And the letter goes on to say:

                          The international Scientology Disaster Response Team has worked at Ground Zero during 9-11, assisting clean-up and aid after the Tsunami, and was a major force in every hurricane to hit Florida in the last three years. They are experts in handling human misery and assisting the rescue workers and other relief teams to get the job done. They should be allowed on any and all lines within Louisiana to further assist in reliev[ing] the devastated survivors and to help us rebuild southeast Louisiana.

                          As I write this VM's are mobilizing from Atlanta, Illinois, Clearwater, Los Angeles, Tampa, Miami, Nashville, New York, Orlando, Sacramento, Houston, Dallas, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Charlotte. But more are needed and needed now!

                          500 Volunteer Ministers are needed NOW in Louisiana and Mississippi to help the thousands upon thousands of people who have lost their homes, their property and possibly friends or family.

                          We have been given a hat and a responsibility to help this disaster area. If you are a VM, you need to act. We are the only ones who have the tech to address and handle this situation. We have can bring order, we can organize and we can and do bring sanity in times of confusion.

                          The VM Operation Headquarters is in Baton Rouge at the Mission. Get together with your friends and associates and form a team, and contact us now, or your local VM In Charge, and arrange to fly or drive to Baton Rouge Louisiana.

                          If you can go, need assistance to go or have any questions call or email one of the contacts below.

                          Donations are also URGENTLY needed as we are providing food, water, medical supplies, toiletries and other essentials to literally thousands of homeless people.

                          This is a time for action and we have the technology and knowledge to help these people to restore their lives.

                          Please do so.


                          - that's it, brother.



                          • There are several Dianetics "missions" (centers) in Taipei if you're interested..... Limni.


                            • My understanding and training in Scientology is NOT based on belief but on actual scientific proof that (a) man is more than just a blob of blood and stardust (b) you are a spiritual being and have lived before and...
                              those ideas are metaphysical in nature and thus outside the realm of science, and thus, there could never be scientific proof of them.
                              ...(c) your aberrations are exacerbated by this reactive mind, where when it is relieved, the person becomes much more able to decide and to choose as he wishes and wants rather than being dictated by the subconscious.
                              and this is based on the previously stated metaphysical conclusions rather than on actual scientific study. this is why, rather than publish his "findings" to this effect in a peer-reviewed journal, as one would do if they were legitimate, mr. hubbard published them in a series of books, which have no standards regarding the accuracy of said information, and coincidentally are much more profitable.


                              • That's not quite true Zachsan.....

                                AS I told you in the tread regarding the Shaolin myths and whatever that was doco from national geo.. apparently they have now ( presumedly nano - technology based) new equiptment that measuresues engery ( qi) within our bodies that registerrs as heat on their machinery......

                                kineticv energy is no new proincipal to anyone either and you can't dismiss the fact that it is particular to life form in any state and that it has a nature and that it 'does not ' dissipate but moves about until it meets an identical oppositer frequency and ceases to conflict..... hence harma theoris and existing beyond immediate here and now bodily actioned repercussion and the idea that you can via awareness of these principls influece the rate at at which the frquency rests or does negate and cease ( to what buddhim describes as nirvana) by concious cultivation ofwhat ( because it has also been measured on frequencies of delta wave and infra red and purple and beyond ) that the following are factors of it 's nature within us ) you absorb and ommit and that electrical impulses your brain ommitsbeing patr if that intra bodily energy compostion has bearing on it also.... hence the desire of scn and buddhism and even christianity etc to acheive a "better" or higher state of "soul" spirit or qi resolution........

                                and hence all the "do good / be good ..." bs that hurts our ears and our pride in our coolness and contradicts our ego desires of needing to fit in on that level as opposed to acknowledging our real nature at most enduring state and sensibley pursuing growth on those parameters and why ppl struggle through beliefs and life ......

                                the ego is a mighty beast ........

                                but it's not even esoteric.. it's just the way it is.......

