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  • #91
    Glad to hear you watched it, it took me two times to remember which bro was which.
    practice wu de


    • #92
      If you want kung fu movies and lots of them, we found (and bought) a collection of 50 kungfu movies on 12 dvds from Big Lots ($20)

      It has classics with actors such as Bruce Li and Sonny Chiba, and titles such as Street Fighter, Return of Street Fighter, Sister Street Fighter, Killer of Snakes Fox of Shaolin, etc.

      Many many hours of kungfu movie fun


      • #93
        Just watched The Protector. Easily one of the most absurd movies I've seen, but it contained possibly the Greatest Line in the History of Cinema:


        (This thread may be three years old but it never left my heart.)


        • #94
          Go see Tropic Thunder.

          Absolutely hysterical for a Ben Stiller movie.
          Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

          "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

          (more comments in my User Profile)


          • #95
            Just watched Kung Fu Panda.

            I thought it is not too violent for a gongfu movie, u dont see no dead or blood. Quite beautiful and philosophical: give up control, the empty scroll...

            I wont mention that after Sun Wu Kong, the great dragon warrior is still a vegetarian because u r gonna tell me that pandas eat insects and that i m preaching again and highjacking a thread because gonfu movies have nothing to do with veg, which is the case in most gong fu movie, like an unquestioned habit pattern that transmits itself and does not consider the Shaolin tradition...

            Om mani pedme hung


            • #96
              Just watched Kung Fu Panda.

              I thought it is not too violent for a gongfu movie, u dont see no dead or blood. Quite beautiful and philosophical: give up control, the empty scroll...

              I wont mention that after Sun Wu Kong, the great dragon warrior is still a vegetarian...
              He must think about other things sometimes. I mean, he has to... right?


              • #97
                Hope this on topic of Kung Fu movies.

                One default to Kung Fu Panda is how the evil one is treated. I ve seen this default in many kung fu movies and seems to me a misunderstanding of Sakyamuni teaching about how to deal with criminals as we find in the Angulimala sutta.

                The evil one, Tai Long, is put in jail, in a position where he cannot move for 2o years.

                I think it is rather cruel and not very mind changing. Why the Sifus dont try to change his mind?

                That would be more coherent with the angulimala sutta, where the buddha teaches a murderer what is the dhamma.

                In many gongfu movie, not to mention american movies, the solution is to kill the evil one. In a reincarnation view that does not solve much and only brings the problem to another life. This view that killing solves the problem is even more tragic in reality and bring to such absurdities as the israelian army.

                Om mani pedme hung


                • #98
                  Because those movies take a real life martial phenomenon and exaggerate it more for the sake of validating the martial arts within the movie.
                  Especially back in the day when wars were fought with melee weaponry, or when one needed to defend their villages from raids with whatever was available, including their own bodies, it was incredibly important that older soldiers be able to keep up with younger soldiers in combat. Can you imagine how hard it would be to maintain an army, or make a career out of defending your people, if the only thing that mattered in a fight was the age of a fighter? You’d have to basically follow the Spartan method of starting any military prospects training as infants (the Spartans started training at 7 years old), but then maybe by the time you were 30, at which point you’d almost certainly have started to physically decline in some regards, you’d have to retire. Probably earlier for some. At best, I’d say you could only reasonably expect a youth to be able to stand up to an adult in a fight by around 16 at the earliest, so you’d only have soldiers with maybe 10–15 year careers.
                  No, the reality is that, although physical decline starts and continues after your late 20s or early 30s, your overall fighting skill and experience continues to increase as you age. This is why Muay Thai fighters at 20 will still lose to seasoned veterans of 50 years, despite not having physical advantages like the youth does. As it was explained to me, an older Muay Thai fighter has more economical movement, better timing, an acute sense of range, a lot of internal developments which help a veteran Thai kickboxer last longer and strike more optimally than a younger fighter. Similarly, a young upstart won’t have an easy time manhandling the 60 year old black belt in the Judo club, or the 70 year old black belt in the BJJ club. It’s why Floyd Mayweather Sr. still demolished Charlie Zelenoff. There’s a real life, consistent trend of older practitioners of martial arts truly overwhelming younger fighters with their sheer skill and experience.
                  So, movies take that real life truth of martial arts, and exaggerate it. What if an old guy’s martial arts training was so good, that he could take on three younger fighters at once and win using only chi blasts?! Obviously, the movie depiction of “old man beats young buck” is unrealistic. But the premise of that trope is based in the reality of skilled older fighters having massive advantages over younger fighters, who have more energy but less experience.


                  • #99
                    They all have pretty much critical boobs relying upon your inclinations, Mumbai Call Girls enthusiasm for a lovely strip and different marvels that can assist you with accomplishing climax in only a couple of moments.

