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Book Review: The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu

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  • #16
    unless, of course, you catch the guy in the parking lot. assuming he dosent have valet parking at his school.


    • #17
      I remember this whole discussion from the old forums. Though it's old news I think it's very educational, especially for people new to the martial arts, to expose the sort of crap you have to put up with in the world of chinese martial arts. When people complain about kung fu not keeping up with the times and generally being unusable they are probably referring to people like WKK. Let's chalk up my main complaints on WKK and some of his students:

      1) Makes outrageous claims concerning qigong.
      2) Holds the combat proficiency of his Shaolin kung fu to a high esteem, even though neither he nor his students have proved it even in the most amateur of contests. His website is chock full of applications yet also states an extreme distaste for competition. Again, if somebody wants to make claims they should step up to the mike.
      3) Constantly trashes on other peoples' teachers and arts.

      Since I've trained under several people who are masters in their respective arts, I'll give a little comparison.
      1) Good teachers will never make outrageous claims on anything, even if abilities gained can be considered amazing and wonderous. All of my teachers' claims on qigong are remarkably similar: it feels good, it's healthy.
      2) Good teachers have a healthy attitude towards competition and putting skills to the test. They are also very upfront (and comfortable) with the limitations of their art.
      3) Good teachers respect and enjoy learning from others. Decheng is always very inquizitive about my studies in Japan and is very appreciative that I enjoy learning from others.

      To sum it up, there seems to be a big divide between WKK and the rest of the martial arts world. Unfortunately, people in chinese martial arts tend not to involve themselves in "quality control" because people in chinese martial arts practice for a wide variety of reasons. This is clearly a case where it's warrented.
      -Jesse Pasleytm
      "How do I know? Because my sensei told me!"


      • #18
        all of this is possible because people continue to see TCMA in a mystical light. it's not regarded as a body of knowledge that is readily accessible to anyone who is interested; it's a mysterious thing which can only be revealed by an esoteric master through years of training (and tuition). and every one of these masters has a different idea of what the truth is. so there's no possibility for quality control. any organization formed that tries to do this would just be seen as a political tool.

        this is a problem that is just not going to go away. people who practice MA seriously have to learn how to think critically, and all of the tradition of TCMA seems to serve as insurance against that happening.


        • #19
          I didn't say De Cheng had low energy levels, but rather he might be able to hide his true inner powers. I don't think it would be wise to undersestimate him anyone who has practiced for so long.

          As for the wwk. I didn't say what I said as a challenge I really want him to kick my ass. But I look at every time you get hurt as being stronger. Every time my bones get broken, they heal back stronger.

          Alot of time, I can't help people because when I suggest something they won't try it out. They won't believe. So why help them if they will waste my time.

          Anyway, I wouldn't do Qi Qong, as the only treatment if I had cancer, it might make a good addition though.
          Last edited by Greenknight2; 12-28-2004, 02:04 AM.
          "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


          • #20
            Actually the bit about the bones is not exactly true. But i see where you're getting. i think...


            • #21
              yeah, I don't think there should be an organization. What I was suggesting was that it's up to other practitioners to keep quacks like this in line. I think it's also a good idea for people to break out of the whole 'culture' box that is really holding cma back. Besides, if we were really to regard tradition with such high esteem, accepting a challenge match when one makes big claims was never out of the question. Again, quality control.
              -Jesse Pasleytm
              "How do I know? Because my sensei told me!"


              • #22
                don't be such a toolbox GK. De Cheng hides his energy?

                Is Shaolin like Dragon Ball? Please son...don't go there...I'll say this one time...

                NO. IT IS NOTHING LIKE DRAGON BALL Z. That is a CARTOON.

                WKK did not say Shi De Cheng had low energy levels, it was one of WKKs new seminar sifus, "Sifu" Dan, who said it after he came back from training with De Cheng in China. Dan claimed he could "see" people's energy levels and had nightly communications from Guan Yin.

                WKK was just full of **** and when we started to take him to task on his bull**** he fell apart and they all ran away to the safety of their own dick stroking forum where they could all smile from their hearts til Guan Yin comes. First off, one of the most revealing parts of the exchange was when Vince asked him what "Cosmos" chi kung was, and as it turns out, he made the fu¢king **** up himself by listening to the universe while meditating. Then, he got owned out of his own mouth when he said that he did his cloud dispersal bull sh!t for a malaysian newspaper (which they twisted into presenting it as if this was some kind of 'scientific' experiment and that because a malaysian newspaper reported the event it had to be true) because the people who take his seminar deserve to have proof of his claims. One of those tool boxes actually had the sack to *threaten* me with his kicks! Then I was ready to sue the fu¢k out of them when I nearly choked from laughing so hard when I saw their "Sparring video." Looked like a girl fight.

                WKK was forced to admit that the newspaper was just reporting what he did, they are not a scientific body, there was nothing scientific about the display, and he showed quite plainly that Russbo OWNED his bullsh!t spitting ass as when anyone comes to him for REAL proof, he buggers out on some they are not worthy those who disbelieve kind of bullsh!t.

                So pull your head out of your ass already and listen up. His books are toilet paper. Stop watching cartoons, stop spanking it, and start standing in horse stance, every day, and you'll have a good horse stance. I hope you understand what I mean.

                There is an organization for these clowns. The same org that awarded WKK his Qigong Master of the Year award also lit up Qi Fei Long, whose routine is borderline COMEDY.
                "Arhat, I am your father..."
                -the Dark Lord Cod


                • #23
                  Okay, just wondering, ah too bad I really thought it would be interesting to learn how to fly, teleport, etc, but no luck ... is like Yoshi mucho? No just joking really, really.....

                  Like I said, I wouldn't underestimate De Cheng, it might be really hardous to someones health. I think someone who's as experienced as alot of tricks up there sleeve.

                  But let me tell you a little story. One of my training buds suggested we do bare knuckle sparring, and hit proceeded to hit me in the biscep with a front two knuckle punch. Well, it did hurt, but he complained that his knuckle hurt out loud. Which was very funny.

                  So no, I don't want to fight him. I thought his book was a good read.
                  "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


                  • #24
                    onespring, they used to make a big fuss about leaving and never posting here ever again. Then they would come back and say some lame ass sh!t like, I'm only here because someone sent me an email saying, hey- we need you to come back...
                    I know. That is exactly why I assume what I assume. I was reading during those days too, whether you're aware of it or not, and understand how the interaction played out quite well, just didn't have much to say. It was educational.

                    So, do I believe ronan or others are lerking around? Yes, quite frankly, I do. Do I hope they speak up to make this thread better, more rounded? Again, yes.

                    Honestly, seeing the russbo gods go at it with the wahnamites is an oddity I can't but help to enjoy.

                    (licks fingers in anticipation)



                    • #25
                      is there a thread here that i can erad where you guys confronted them about this?


                      • #26
                        it's all somewhere in the forum archives. i think there's an entire section of the forum set aside for WKK.

                        GK, i know what you're thinking. you're not sure if this guy can see people's energy or not, and you figure, if he can, the reason DC's was "low" was maybe because he was hiding it. you're thinking, maybe the world of gongfu really is like dragonball Z. well, it's not. it's generally a good idea to have a basic premise - for instance, that someone's energy levels can be seen by someone who is skilled - proven, before you start speculating as if it were an accepted fact. this "sifu dan" guy hasn't proven anything of the sort, nor has WKK. so until they have, you don't need to guess about anything beyond that. it's just good old-fashioned bull****.


                        • #27
                          I must have been in the monastery when all of this WKK-bashing took place. After I had read his "Complete (Bullsh!t) Book of Zen" I had realized that this guy was full of bonafied crap.

                          Even though my teacher at the time said that there was never a wrong way to present the Dharma, I still felt uneasy about believing many of the things WKK said. I would read something and then compare it to the actual thing WKK was talking about and see that he was try to pull his head out of his ass and make it look like something spectacular.

                          Although when I come to think of it pulling your own head out of your ass would be pretty spectacular (and a little funny). However, he likes to think that he can spoon feed bullsh!t and call genuine Dharma.
                          "For some reason I'm in a good mood today. I haven't left the house yet, though. "

                          "fa hui, you make buddhism sexy." -Zachsan

                          "Friends don't let friends do Taekwondo." -Nancy Reagan


                          • #28
                            Thanks for your perspective Fa Hui. Was there anything in particular you can remember?
                            practice wu de


                            • #29
                              well there was a whole heap of bull**** he was presenting as if he was some kind of zen authority.

                              I remember one of his head shaving criticisms in particular...
                              "Arhat, I am your father..."
                              -the Dark Lord Cod


                              • #30
                                I remember when he was talking about Patriarch Huineng. A lot of the stuff he said didn't corrolate with the 6th Patriarch's Platform Sutra. That was probably the thing that stuck out the most with me. Then he presented some of his "Shaolin" and made it seem that all Zen monks practice martial arts. Which isn't the case.

                                That's what I remember without looking at the book, I'm not even sure where I put that book last.
                                "For some reason I'm in a good mood today. I haven't left the house yet, though. "

                                "fa hui, you make buddhism sexy." -Zachsan

                                "Friends don't let friends do Taekwondo." -Nancy Reagan

