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  • #16
    AS long as they're giving away free gongfu lessons, ( or free anything for that matter ) I'll love them for whatever reason you like

    Kidding, but where else are you going to find so much shaolin lit / doctrine and gongfu??? That's why I came and no doubt why I'll return.

    cheers Blooming tianshi Lotus


    • #17
      you unequivocally told us that you came because you got banned from the KFM boards.


      • #18
        Let's not get trivial okay !!!

        and btw : and if you must know, I've been in touch with Doc re shaolin etc and lurking on these boards for about 15 mths!!! Like I said, shaolin's why I came and shaolin is why I stay............. ( well that and Kfm don't want me ..... kidding , I'd come anyway. )

        Blooming Tianshi Lotus


        • #19
          Wow, 15 months, I'm impressed...
          practice wu de


          • #20
            Are you always so serious??? And so what only 15 mths ...... I found buddhism over 14 yrs ago, training from wee-size and shaolin only 15 mths ago, but you've got to start somewhere right?

            Blooming Tianshi Lotus


            • #21
              I'm being sarcastic.. but thats not to be expected
              practice wu de


              • #22
                OHH!!! That's what that is???

                That much I got anyway but I admit it. As far as shaolin per se, I'm a relative noob! But, unless you were reincarnted as another life of buddha or Damo, themselves ( and if by chance you are , I'd love to chat with you about a few "what is the sound of one hand clapping....and if a tree falls n a forrest and there's no-one around to ........... doesn't matter ) , we all are at sometime or other right??

                Get over yourself Stylee!! I don't need to be a master of your caliber.........I just want to meditate and train some more . Is that okay do you think???


                Blooming Tianshi Lotus


                • #23
                  i'm the reincarnation of steven segal, who claims he is the reincarnation of someone-or-other (musashi was it?).

                  before you ask, yes, it's a hell of a trick to be the reincarnation of someone who is still alive. but back in the 20th century the total number of living people surpassed the total number of people who have ever died in the history of the world, so, now the spirits are drawing on the souls of the living for their reincarnations. honestly. sylvia browne told me.


                  • #24
                    Get over yourself Stylee
                    lol thanks...

                    Just don't flood the place....
                    practice wu de


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by zachsan
                      i'm the reincarnation of steven segal, who claims he is the reincarnation of someone-or-other (musashi was it?).

                      before you ask, yes, it's a hell of a trick to be the reincarnation of someone who is still alive. but back in the 20th century the total number of living people surpassed the total number of people who have ever died in the history of the world, so, now the spirits are drawing on the souls of the living for their reincarnations. honestly. sylvia browne told me.
                      lol............ I was actually wondering.thanks for clearing that up .

                      and Stylee :don't worry, I don't even have a rep point so your tally is safe............. cheers and happy practice

                      Blooming Lotus


                      • #26
                        Its the best place on the web, no place like russbo!


                        • #27
                          But if you're coming to post ads then we'll kick your ass. Get outta hea!
                          Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                          • #28
                            this place is cool, lots of intersting funny and intelligent people floating around here.
                            "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


                            • #29
                              The "I love doc, I want to rub his bald head all over my body...: choice in the poll is losing.

                              Damn. I just can't get ahead this year.

                              Sniff. Sniff.

                              Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                              "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                              (more comments in my User Profile)


                              • #30
                                awww... poor Doc.

                                c'mere and rub your head on me.
                                Whatever doesn't kill me had better be able to run damn fast.

                                "You are one of the most self-deluded immature idiots I've come across here for a time..." —Blooming T. Lotus


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