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Time for gongfu in MMA!!!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Fu Jow Pai View Post
    I wrote a good response, i thought about it. It had arguments and reasoning, but then i reread what you had put and decided that the best response was.......

    You really are a dick.

    Apart from anything else, you pulled me up on one letter that was a typo one time. Re read and correct.

    Why not find someone that is proficient at Kung Fu and see what their attitude to palm strikes are particularly someone from the school of Pa Que (Baguazhang).

    I am an instructor, not a master.

    I am not little.

    Ghandi was an ass.

    Weak frail individuals is not a cool thing to say, in one of the other threads, under discussion is: can a woman really beat a man in a fight?
    If the woman has superior technique yes. The main points of Kung Fu are technique, speed and accuracy. So even if the individual is "weak and frail" the technique can be practiced. the application is a different matter.

    What else.... mmmmmm....

    Your not being fair. Who are you to decide how people should be treated?
    I treat people equally untill i have some kind of relationship with them.
    you for instance i spend some time on, because i enjoy giving you shit.

    What i "claim to know" and what you "claim to know" aren't ever really going to be varified. Unless you have something we can have a look at..?

    Why are you trying to creep round the old school here to have a poke at me? Can't you back yourself up?

    You leave your self open for bad jokes.

    Its almost as if you are trying to pin all your inadequacies on me....

    You arent worth talking to. You are confused about everything therefore when you speak, all you can do is confuse others. You find comfort in this confusion, and your life isnt normal, unless you are confused, and confusing others around you. This is your persona here.

    Its funny, quite pathetic actually. Just remember that the only reason that i even reply to you is because it is entertaining. to see a grand liar in his futile efforts to convince others that he is not just some ordinary schmuck.

    I dont know what your infatuation with dicks are, but like i said before, im not interested. lol.

    You wrote a reply with arguements, but erased in favor of the more superior thought in your mind.


    You are hardly worth the time. But then again, everyone likes to laugh at stupid people. You dont even need an act, just be yourself.Im sure you provide entertainment for everyone here.
    "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


    • #77
      one of us does.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Fu Jow Pai View Post
        one of us does.
        Why the f.uck do you keep saying "us"? You got a mouse in your f.uckin pocket bitch?

        Let me give you some advice.

        If you dont know what to say,

        Shut the f.uck up.
        "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


        • #79
          well fu, that's just a habit of mine. i'll try not to do it so much with you in the future.

          it's just that, whenever someone says something like 'gong fu is for....the point of gongfu is...etc,' when the concepts they're promoting are rarely linked to 'the self,' it's hard for me to not question their logic.

          i don't understand why the things you've mentioned should be the 'main points of gongfu.' it was an honest question, really. but, like you said, that's what you think from a fighting perspective. although i tend not divide things up that way, i see what you mean. for me, living in asia, i've always been taught that gongfu is a 天人合一 practice: a practice to unite man with heaven, nature, etc.. (however you want to put it.) so i just don't divide things up that way is all....

          with that said, i do wish there was a bit less instigating going on here. then you might feel less attacked and we could actually have some good conversations.


          • #80
            Originally posted by onesp1ng View Post

            with that said, i do wish there was a bit less instigating going on here. then you might feel less attacked and we could actually have some good conversations.

            I agree. Wouldn't it be nice..


            • #81
              PSL offers players the chance to work with professional coaches, support staff, and management teams. This exposure helps players understand the professional aspects of the game, including fitness, nutrition, game analysis, and mental preparation, contributing to their overall development as professional cricketers​.

