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Hey, It's Mortal's Birthday

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  • #46
    haha... you would think so, but i was a kid like that. i could have been spared years of bullshit if someone had just sat down and explained to me rationally why the stuff i was into was, well, stupid.


    • #47
      well at some point i did listen. sure i was resistant at first, but it was literally only a few weeks after first being presented with the arguments refuting my delusions that i realized i couldn't deny the logic of them, and i came around.

      given, i was around 17 at the time. would i have had the same reaction when i was 13? i have no way of knowing. the point is, i'm happy i came across those arguments at all.


      • #48
        Well as long as we are having our little sharing time, I'd like to say that I never really developed a psychopathic love and trust for the deeper of the martial arts bullshit. I was getting there, though. I believed all the legends and I had arguments of how "TECHNIQUE IS 100x BETTER THAN STRENGTH LOOK AT ALL THE OLD FARTS IN CHINA DEY CUD LEIK KIK ALL DA BODYBILDERZ AZZ!!!!1111" But I'm here to tell you that your influence probably got me out of the hole I was digging for myself back then. If not this forum in it's entirety. Thanks, everyone. Even you...actually, especially you, BL.

        Note: I started coming to these forums in Summer of 2004 (I was already on this site effin religiously, for the Daily Chan), but started learning kung fu in the summer of '03, by which time, I was beginning my decent into BS territory.
        Becoming what I've dreamed about.


        • #49
          As you've had experience talking with her and have experience in other aspects of fitness and martial arts, why don't you comment on other topics? I think people could probably learn something from these things, in whatever form they come in, meaning whether or not you chastise her and her beliefs or add to the general knowledge of the board.

          Actually I can't say that I don't know what you mean, but, it also seems a bit odd to me when someone follows another person to another place in order to purposely demean them, especially when they don't say anything about anything else themselves.



          • #50
            Valid point. But last year I was a procrastinating student and this year I'm working so I don't have time to be a forum contributor (on any forum).

            I only came here out of coincidence yesterday. I agree it seems weird to come here just to demean Eyebrows. I guess I'm selfish - I don't know anyone else here (well, I know a few members) so I don't care so much about contributing or learning here. My original motivation was to stir up Eyebrows (back in January).

            Just to keep you happy, I posted some stuff in some other thread earlier. The problem is, threads like that make me sad. You often get the same tired arguments from ignorant people spouting the same tired myths. It's incredibly frustrating and no matter how hard you try they never seem to learn. It's like banging your head against a brick wall. And yeah, I don't have the time to do that any more, sorry ... It's kind of a shame. You seem to have a nice forum here. That's why I felt sorry for you when Eyebrows showed up .


            • #51
              Cool. I can understand why you don't want to argue, but if you do happen to have some time or a bit of wisdom you can shed on a certain topic or two, I don't think anyone would be upset that you shared.. I don't know much about those topics so enjoy reading the comments of anyone who have ovbiously given it some thought.

              now waiting for the next typhoon,

