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  • Ciprofloxacin

    Cipro (Ciprofloxacin) is commonly used for gastrointestinal bacterial infections that are usually obtained while traveling in or living in China. It is an antibiotic that one of the local pharmacies might give to you for a diarrheal illness. It is effective in treating certain types of gastrointestinal infections, and sometimes, physicians prescribe it to China travelers prophylactically.

    However, aside from the usual and typical concerns regarding antibiotic usage (superinfection, allergic reaction, etc), there is a new concern with Cipro use, one that might be more prevalent in those of you who train in the martial arts in China: tendinitis and tendon rupture.

    Fluoroquinolones, including Avelox and Cipro, are associated with an increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture in all age groups. This risk is further increased in older patients over the age of 60, and also in those people who take corticosteroid drugs. People with heart, kidney or lung transplants also take medications which increase the chance of tendon rupture associated with Cipro use, though one might kind of doubt that these patients would not find themselves doing gong fu in the harsh conditions of Dengfeng.

    The Achilles tendon is most commonly affected. Rupture of this tendon usually requires surgical repair, and the duration of healing usually requires several months. Tendonitis and tendon rupture also have occurred in the rotator cuff (shoulder), the hand, the biceps tendon, the thumb, among other sites. Strenuous physical activity increases the chance of tendon rupture.

    Tendon rupture can occur during or after the completion of use of Cipro. Some people have suffered tendon rupture several months after being treated with a fluoroquinolone.

    Warning signs include pain, tenderness, inflammation, swelling, or rupture of a tendon.

    If you are taking Cipro for a gastrointestinal disorder while training in China, and you discover that one or more of your tendons show these signs, immediate rest, contact your local physician, and change of antimicrobial therapy is in order.
    Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

    "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

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