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Bedbugs, Lice and Mites: The critters that will love you.

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  • Bedbugs, Lice and Mites: The critters that will love you.

    There's a new compendium of information in the Shaolin / Shaolin FAQ / Health FAQ concerning the little creatures that you'll inevitably find in your beds in Shaolin. And I'm not referring to the long haired small breasted kind that want your money.

    You can find it in the Shaolin FAQ / Health FAQ area of the main site, or, here:
    Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

    "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

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  • #2
    good read, and very nasty, how bad are the bb in se asia
    "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


    • #3
      Well, in the upscale hotel that I used to live in, years ago, bedbugs were not an issue. Then, the Chinese started making money, started traveling, and started going to Thailand.

      Next thing you knew, bedbugs were a serious issue.

      In fact, I had a really bad case of them about three years ago, from living in that one hotel I used to stay in. Ten years, no problem. Then, Chinese tour groups, from the mainland, started hitting the place, and the mattresses got really infested. It was nasty; I moved out into my own condo.

      I've mentioned this back in the late nineties; about using bug spray on the beds before you use them in Shaolin. Anywhere in Shaolin. It's even becoming a big issue in Las Vegas, as the mainland Chinese tourists grow, the bed bug problems in Vegas get worse.
      Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

      "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

      (more comments in my User Profile)


      • #4
        lol chinese people..what more can we say about them lolo
        "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


        • #5
          Don't doze off just yet. Maybe they should be called bed blood bugs, an army of these can attack a person 500 times in one night!➡ Subscribe:

          "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


          • #6
            hey, i have a question, i remember you talking about bedbugs and things you can do to stop them when you travel, what do YOU do to make sure they dont get in you or your stuff?
            Back in 1996, when I had first realized that these insects were an issue in Shaolin, I had brought a can of bug spray from the US, and upon first entering the hotel room, I just sprayed the mattress, pillow, and carpet. Then left with the windows open to air the "always" smoke tainted room out. Spraying the room certainly didn't kill the little bastards, but it kept them at bay. I also kept my duffel bag and clothing on the wooden furniture thingie that they had for luggage. It was a habit for me in the past not to use the actual furniture to stow my clothing in (I always forgot stuff when I left if I didn't see it); I had put my clothes out on the other bed, which is a mistake. But I guess spraying the blankets with DDT based spray was enough to keep them at bay. I never had a problem with the bedbugs using this method.

            It became an issue in the mid 2000's when I was staying in Thailand, at a higher end hotel, after the economy was tanking and they had opened up the place to tour groups from mainland China. Along came hundreds of Chinese, and with them, cigarette smoke and bedbugs. It got to the point where I eventually moved out and rented a condo. Nothing against the Chinese, but they're inundated with all sorts of critters, and the bedbugs came with them in their luggage. (Vegas saw a similar problem once the Chinese started touring heavily here).

            One thing you can also do, if you're really worried, is keep you luggage in the bathtub. Hell, the water never worked for me in Shaolin anyway.

            Here's a good article from Fox News:

            Bedbugs are gifted hitchhikers. They don’t hop or fly but they sure can crawl, especially when motivated by the promise of a good hiding place, such as your checked baggage. While your bag is in the plane’s cargo hold bedbugs “may have hitchhiked on someone else's luggage on the plane and transferred to yours,” suggests Brian DiCicco, CEO of Pest Management Inc.

            Bedbugs love upholstery, too, so they might also be lingering in the taxi or rental car you used to reach your hotel. Ah, yes, your hotel. Lest you think bedbugs only linger in fleabags – with all due respect to fleas – the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) points out that a “bedbug infestation is not a sign of unclean or unsanitary conditions. Bedbugs don't discriminate and have been found in world class hotels and budget properties alike.”

            But after all this effort to stow away and hide out, what is it that bedbugs really want? You. “Bedbugs use exhaled carbon dioxide and body heat to locate a potential blood meal,” says Mike Deutsch, an entomologist with the Arrow Exterminating Company, adding that “when hungry, bedbugs will travel 30-40 feet to and from their hiding places and their sleeping hosts when seeking a meal.” The critters may already be waiting in their favorite places – the headboard, mattress and box spring, or the bedding itself – but bedbugs also may be hiding “anywhere in a room,” suggests Deutsch. “We have found bedbugs inside laptop computers, cell phones, clock radios, TVs, and other electronic devices. We have also found [them] in book bindings and even inside newspapers that are delivered to your room.”

            If they don’t join you in your destination, bedbugs also have the potential to hook up with you on the plane or cab ride home, of course. So what’s a traveler to do? There are several steps you can take to protect yourself and bite bedbugs before they bite you.

            Know what you’re looking for

            Bedbugs resemble other small insects, so if you’re trying to spot bedbugs or signs of them while inspecting your hotel room upon check-in, know that the bug looks “similar to a tick,” says Ashley M. Marratt, CEO of informational Web site The Bed Bug Answer. Further, “a bedbug “is a small rusty-red or mahogany colored, oval-shaped insect,” says entomologist Lynn Frank, technical director of the Suburban Exterminating Company and “signs of bedbugs can include adult insects, slightly smaller and lighter colored ‘nymphs’ which are young bed bugs that have not fed yet, and bed bug eggs which look like small grains of rice,” says entomologist S. John Barcay, a senior scientist at Ecolab, which has treated more than half a million hotel rooms for bedbugs since 2003.

            Adds Barcay, “other signs of bedbugs on the mattress are small drops of blood in a row or black spots that look like mold -- this is actually digested blood from their previous meals.” To put a finer point on it, the spots are “bloody fecal matter,” Maratt says, “smaller than the size of poppy seeds.” The black spot will “stick to the surface. If it falls off, then it's not a bed bug spot. Take a wet towel and wipe the spot to see if it smears and if so, then it may be fecal matter.” DiCicco notes that maturing bedbugs “can sometimes leave behind exoskeleton pieces as well, which are translucent” that Marratt says are “the color of a popcorn kernel shell.”

            Protect yourself in your hotel room

            Even if your check-in inspection doesn’t turn up signs of bedbugs, you should still go into bedbug avoidance mode. Keep your suitcases and clothes off the bed and carpeting at all times, all sources urged. Place your bag on a luggage rack if one is provided and you might even take it a step further by moving the rack into the bathroom, as “bed bugs do not like tile or metal and are rarely found in these areas unless the infestation is extreme’ says Mike Canizales, co-founder of Sniff K9’s.

            If your room didn’t come equipped with a luggage rack and you choose not to share a bathroom with your luggage, avoid unpacking as much as possible and put your used clothing “ in a plastic bag before packing back into your suitcase,” suggests Michael Colongione, president and owner of GotchA! Bedbug Inspectors. “Take the items from the plastic bag directly to the washer when you return home.” Likewise, if you do any shopping on vacation, he says, bag your purchases and wash any new clothing once you’re home. Machine wash hot and, several sources suggest, use an extra hot and long dryer cycle for any garments you bring home from the trip -- bedbugs won’t survive heat above 113 degrees Fahrenheit, DiCicco says.

            If you find bedbugs

            Should you find bedbugs or signs of them in your hotel room upon check-in, notify management and ask to switch to a different room “with no history of bed bugs and that is not adjacent to, above, or below the infested room,” advises travel risk management firm iJET Intelligent Risk Systems, “ noting that a “bedbug infestation can be a limited, low-level problem -- for example, an infestation in just a single room -- and may not be enough to warrant changing hotels entirely.” However, if you discover bedbugs after you’ve already settled in or spent the night, DiCicco suggests you’re within your rights to ask management to “have your clothing dry cleaned and luggage steam cleaned,” he says, and then “inspect the next room before even starting to get settled.”

            If you or any of your traveling companions think you’ve been bitten by a bedbug or have seen bedbug evidence in your room, “make a log of where and when you were bitten, together with photographs” says attorney Elena Rivkin Franz,” at which point you could of course ask for a different room or ask management “to pay for new lodging elsewhere,” Franz says.

            If you get bit

            Deutsch says that while the actual bite of a bedbug is painless, “most people report an intense itching at the site. Some people will have a reaction similar to a mosquito bite that will last a few days. Other people will have violent reactions resulting in large areas of raised and swollen skin at the site of the bite.” He adds that “since bedbugs have not been shown to transmit any diseases, the primary potential problem with a bedbug bite is a secondary infection caused by constant scratching.” Before using any ointments or meds for your itching, consult your doctor.

            Prepare your bags for the trip home

            Colongione says you can help dissuade bedbugs from coming home with you by spraying your “suitcase, hotel bed, or rental car with an EPA approved over-the-counter spray” that “kills the bedbugs and their eggs, which the human eye cannot see.” If you’re driving home
            , upon leaving your hotel, “immediately seal any luggage in large plastic bags -- such as lawn or leaf bags -- prior to loading your car,” iJET advises, and once you get home, DiCicco says, don’t bring your bags directly inside – while outside your house or apartment zap your luggage again with any spray product your bought or wipe your bags down with alcohol. You should also “inspect and vacuum your suitcases thoroughly before bringing them into the house, the NPMA says, and further, says iJET, “luggage can be sterilized using the steam function on many household irons.”

            The one thing about bedbugs you absolutely did not want to know

            If you are scouting for bedbugs at any point during your trip, you can rely on more than your eyesight to gather evidence. “Other signs of bedbugs may include a foul smell,” Marratt says. “The odor has been described a number of ways. Most say it resembles spoiled raw beef, a musty odor, or a sweet odor. After all, it is old blood you smell.”
            I always, upon returning home, threw EVERYTHING (washable) into the washing machine, on hot settings, with a little bleach. And then dried the hell out of it in the dryer. I mean everything that wasn't electrical or paper.
            Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

            "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

            (more comments in my User Profile)


            • #7
              very good info, similar to other things ive read
              "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


              • #8
                Er is recent een nieuwe website gelanceerd over de bestrijding zorg en preventie van Bedwantsen, kijk voor meer informatie op:
                Bedwantsen in je huis? Zijn ze schadelijk? Hoe herken je ze? En wat moet je doen als je last hebt van bedwantsen? Lees alles over bedwantsen.


                • #9
                  Some interesting and related events that just occurred in Chiang Mai, Thailand, concerning bedbugs. It appears that a few people have gotten ill, and some have died, because of a pesticide chemical (which has been banned in other parts of the world). The following quotes are from The Nation, a Thai newspaper. What is noteworthy is the denial that the Thai's have about this, even though one of the dead victim's tissue samples had lethal amounts of the pesticide. The following explains the story fairly well.

                  New Zealand national Sarah Carter, 23, died on February 6 while staying at the Downtown Inn in Chiang Mai. Two other New Zealanders travelling with Carter also became sick but recovered.

                  Three weeks before Carter's death, US national Mariam Soraya Vorster, 33, who was working as a guide in Chiang Mai, died in the same hotel.

                  Chiang Mai health officials initially suggested that they may have suffered from food poisoning but later retracted their statements.

                  A British pensioner couple George Everitt, 78, and Eileen, 74, died on February 19 at the Downtown Inn, of heart attacks, according to Chiang Mai doctors.
                  Wellington - A chemical spray that kills bed bugs was probably responsible for the death of a 23-year-old New Zealand woman while holidaying in Thailand this year, according to a New Zealand scientist quoted in news reports Monday.

                  Ron McDowall, a consultant to the United Nations who specializes in hazardous chemicals, said independent testing of swabs taken from the hotel room in the northern Thailand resort town of Chiang Mai, where Sarah Carter stayed, had found traces of the toxin chlorpyrifos.
                  "I think she was killed by an overzealous sprayer, who has been acting on the instruction of the hotel owner to deal with bed bugs," he told TV3's 60 Minutes programme.
                  The investigation into the Downtown Inn Hotel deaths hadn't determine the exact cause of death yet but now focused on three possible causes: infection, chemical or environment, and would get experts' help to determine the cause of deaths, it was announced at the press conference yesterday.

                  This move followed headlines about a New Zealand tourist Sarah Carter's mysterious death especially the New Zealand TV3's "60 Minutes" programme, which suggested the chemical spray chlorpyrifos that kills bed bugs was responsible for the death of Sarah Carter, as well as six others who were reported to have died in similar circumstances since January.

                  At the Chiang Mai Public Health Office yesterday, Chiang Mai Governor Panadda Diskul presided over the threehourlong closedoor conference with Chiang Mai health authority and consulate representatives of 10 countries including Todd Cleaver from the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok.

                  In the press conference later, Chiang Mai Public Health chief Dr Wattana Kanchanakamon said they had a lot of meetings and get helps from experts including those from the World Health Organisation and Japan's Osaka City to determine the cause and what to do next.

                  He said they had Carter's stomach liquid sample that needed to be retested for credibility before reporting the result to those involved without any hiding or covering up attempts.

                  Wattana's deputy Dr Surasing Wisarutrat said that the probe had progressed half way now and the initial possible causes (infection, chemicals, crime, drug and environment) were narrowed to focus on infection, infection and environment - all of which needed further inspections. Surasing said the team would also be happy to accept any help in term of experts and also warned that public should not expect too much because a disease investigation might not definitely find the exact cause of the death sometimes. He said the team would also have a teleconference over the case with foreign experts at 6pm yesterday. He said the hotelroom where Carter stayed prior to her death was also closed and the hotel insisted they didn't use the chemical spray chlorpyrifos. He also added that chlorpyrifos would be fatal if one drank a glassful of it or 87cc hence death by inhaling it was unlikely. He said they would continue the probe with helps from experts and would keep those involved updated.

                  Panadda said that the Thai authorities didn't ignore the problem and all tried their best to restore the Thai people's integrity that they worked with sincerity and transparency. But to be appropriate, the Thai authorities had to contact the families of those who died or fell sick to make them at ease. Panadda said he therefore brought the probing team to explain to the international convoys about what they had done in the probe so far. He said that the convoys agreed that they had done a lot. He said that the team would need more time to get the answer.

                  Prior to the conference yesterday, Panadda commented that the international media's news reported had exaggerated facts especially the number of seven persons died after staying or using the facilities of Downtown Inn Hotel. He said that there were actually only four people; the elderly English couple whose deaths weren't questioned by relatives due to their ages, hence only a Thai female tour guide and the 23yearold New Zealand tourist Sarah Carter - the latter whose death on February 6 led to news headlines. He also said the hotel owner wasn't his relative as claimed.
                  One thing to learn from this: in Asia, there is kind of a laissez faire attitude. Think, "NO LIABILITY". People do not successfully sue for stuff like this; bribes are paid to officials to make stuff like this "go away"; police usually just call these things suicides or heart attacks. It just goes to show the lengths that people have to go, to protect themselves while traveling here.
                  Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                  "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                  (more comments in my User Profile)


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Here's a good PDF about bed bugs
                      Attached Files
                      Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                      "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                      (more comments in my User Profile)


                      • #12
                        better to know the info, luck in pdf formats, that I can read it with my phone.

