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Shaolin Temple UK Training

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  • what?


    • well,wahnam kungfu is not real,its a new kungfu style.I read all the books about it.
      I am practicing in shaolin temple uk,3 times a week,well I am new there.I have joined the preparation class.
      The flavour of training there is perfect,you feel shaolin.But for me its a little boaring in preparation class,because I am not new in shaolin kungfu.My master is shi yan chiang [not shi yan chang].
      In stuk,why dont they first see the people that practices shaolin kungfu before and get them into higher levels?
      I heard about something new in stuk,that is called "forms and acrobatics"what do they do in it exactly?


      • *IF* I had to guess, Tig, and it's just a guess mind you, I'd say you probably learn forms and acrobatic stuff...just guessing though...

        Too bad about Rev. Wooden Dummy being turned into a cloud...he had a lot of potential.

        Now he's just a bizarre small penis compensation slave, constantly being dragged around the heavens so newspaper reporters can take snapshots.
        "Arhat, I am your father..."
        -the Dark Lord Cod


        • Arhat said: " he's just a bizarre small penis compensation slave, constantly being dragged around the heavens so newspaper reporters can take snapshots."

          Ha haha, that's just disgusting man, haha. Couldn't you have granted him at least a LITTLE dignity? hahaha.
          a true gongfu system must have the four major aspects of combat to be complete, "striking", "Kicking", Chin'na (joint-locking), and Shuai-Jiao (Wrestling)... in addition it must combine the internal with the external...


          • Originally posted by shaolintiger
            well,wahnam kungfu is not real,its a new kungfu style.I read all the books about it.
            Thankyou for clearing that up. There's you answer everybody! What books did you read that describe Wahnam's Shaolin as new?

            Wooden Dummy is never coming back! Wohahahahahahahaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr
            "Bye Book!" - Ven. Damo


            • A book that is called shaolin kungfu,the author is the creator of the wahnam kungfu style,his name is wong kiew kit.He is malaysian and not chinese.This kungfu style is malaysian.Well,I dont think that anybody wants to learn a new kungfu style that has nothing about shaolin,I dont know why did he said that it is shaolin.It has a few techniques,it has the 5 animal styles that wong kiew kit created,and something called the 8 techniqus.


              • lol.... this "wong kiew kit" character, he sounds interesting. it's time we had some seroius discussion about him on this forum!!


                • Shaolin Tiger, Five Animal Boxing (Wuxing Quan) is a very dynamic and comprehensive system that goes back AT LEAST hundreds of years; it's the foundation of many more famous gongfu styles/systems. As for the "Five Phases, Eight Techniques", as far as I understand, it's an extension of the Five Animal Boxing, so to speak. Now, just 'cause a person is Malaysian doesn't mean they don't practice authentic Shaolin. Remember that throughout the centuries, Shaolin Monks had spread to many parts of Asia, so it is possible that Shaolin gongfu is also preserved in many other areas in Southeast Asia. Now, I'm not saying Wong Kiew Kit's Gongfu is 100% authentic either. A few of claims do seem to be pretty far-fetched (much is this has been debated tons of times in the past forum threads). I myself haven't trained with them though, so I can't fully hate on them. Let's get back to the main focus of this thread though, is Wooden Dummy ever going to post again? Hahahaa.
                  a true gongfu system must have the four major aspects of combat to be complete, "striking", "Kicking", Chin'na (joint-locking), and Shuai-Jiao (Wrestling)... in addition it must combine the internal with the external...


                  • I know that the 5 animal style is real and old,and I know that everybody could practice shaolin kungfu even if he was malaysian,but the problem is that he created this style.The word wahnam is from him,I have learned the shaolin wuxing chuan,but he said in his book that he created this style.He doesnt do the wuxing quan that shaolin created.


                    • I know that the 5 animal style is real and old,and I know that everybody could practice shaolin kungfu even if he was malaysian,but the problem is that he created this style.The word wahnam is from him,I have learned the shaolin wuxing chuan,but he said in his book that he created this style.He doesnt do the wuxing quan that shaolin created.


                      • Dear Shaolin Tiger,

                        You seem to have misunderstood the book, those sets were created for the book, and are also what beginners practice. They are not classical sets, they do contain classical patterns. Our school does not focus on set practice though, we think it is more important to drill techniques, train force etc. We do have a good amount of classical Shaolin sets and skills to choose and practice later on, and specialise if we like. We do have the classical 5 animals set and a classical Tiger-Crane set too (although this is not the same set passed down in Wong Fei Hung's lineage). Sets are created for different purposes, at the most basic level they are just a bunch of techniques practiced together so they arte easier to remember, at other sets certain movements are grouped together which emphasize a certain skill and it's development etc.

                        We are a genuine Shaolin kungfu school, although it is not Northern Shaolin. My Sigung: Wong Kiew Kit is a Chinese-Malaysian, our lineage comes from the Southern Shaolin temple Fukian, brought to the Thai/Malaysian border by the monk Jian Nan I believe. I'm writing this from memory so I need to re-check this. Our style resembles Black Tiger or Hung Gar (but is taught in a more internal way), but emphasising different techniques. Where as Hung Gar was a revolutionary style for government rebels (I'm generalising here), ours is a missionary style practiced to aid spiritual cultivation as well as protect oneself.

                        I will write more when I get time. For better answers there is always the forum @ Wahnam.

                        Please read the information provided on our website, as the information on there will help you get a better idea too.


                        Last edited by prajna; 06-16-2004, 08:53 AM.
                        "Bye Book!" - Ven. Damo


                        • for all the things i can say about WKK, you can't deny that he knows a great many, uh, things, about shaolin gongfu and gongfu in general, whether or not these things are necessarily genuine (i.e. the existence of a southern shaolin temple). i guess what i'm saying is, he's an intelligent guy, and at least sounds like he knows what he's talking about.


                          • I still say you have one of the coolest 'avatar' pics in the forum Zachsan. Subtle and highly effective somehow, heheheh.
                            a true gongfu system must have the four major aspects of combat to be complete, "striking", "Kicking", Chin'na (joint-locking), and Shuai-Jiao (Wrestling)... in addition it must combine the internal with the external...


                            • Shaolin Temple UK update

                              Just to let you guys know whats happening in the UK. A few weeks ago 2 student monks from Shaolin Temple China went AWOL from the UK temple where they were teaching classes along side Shi Yanzi & Shi Yan Lei. This is not the first time student monks from China have upped and left, around a year and a half ago the same thing happened. Previously nothing was officially mentioned in the temple, but this time a statement was put on the noticeboard on Monday 18/10/04. The gist of it is, apart from Shi Yan Lei every disciple brought over from China to teach at the UK temple has asked for more pay after a few months of being here. Shi Yan Jang the Tai Chi master not only asked for more money but was of dubious character as well [he now teaches in Camden] The notice I can be pretty much sure was not written by Shi Yan Zi, but by his partner Helena , seeing as Yanzi has been in China on a visit to the Temple to recruit more staff. What the truth of the matter is, is hard to say, people I have talked to who have contact with some of the monks who have left, say that Yanzi was paying below minimum wage, and while Yanzi is living in a nice house in Tufnell park with Helena and their young son the student monks livg in a trailer on the temple site. Rumours now are surfacing of Shi Yan Lei going alone as well.

