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  • #46
    What's wrong is this whole thread. From the very first post..


    • #47
      Well you're wrong about that--and let me tell you why. Whoever even fathomed such an idea is so dead wrong they can probably never be right again about anything, ever.

      Like he would be at the cash register at his job and scan all the items.

      register guy- "That'll be $8.96, sir."

      customer- "But I only bought a 99 cent pack of gum!"

      register guy (who started this thread)- "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"

      And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
      Becoming what I've dreamed about.


      • #48
        So American Kempo, could be called American Wushu? Hmm intersting....

        You have to keep in mind from the average American person. If you saw someone in a flashy outfit wielding a weapon you were not familiar with, what would you think? Would you notice all the applications? I'm trying to be respectful. Keep in mind where we as a people are coming from.

        Personally, I got to use my weight. But I must also keep in mind not to rely on it too much or if when I face someone larger stronger than myself, I will have difficulties.

        I can understand your point about alot of people think they know Chinese. There are people who think they understand English, but do not have a level of comprehension of the subject which makes it very difficult to have a conversation. To add confusion to the mix, is the different dialects, american, british, and India. Alot of people in the United States speak spanish or only it.

        Anyway, yes, it's me, just having some technical difficulties. Tried installing service pack 2, on my computer and had some registry problems. Tried installing a cd-rom drive, well now it doesn't even start. Going to see if some friends can help me though.
        "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


        • #49
          This is madness...

          Screw all of this confusion dammit. When I beat the crap outta someone, I say "Yo lo agarre a Pinches Putasos!" End of story buddy.
          And Zachsan, you're a fag, and you're 100% wrong.
          a true gongfu system must have the four major aspects of combat to be complete, "striking", "Kicking", Chin'na (joint-locking), and Shuai-Jiao (Wrestling)... in addition it must combine the internal with the external...


          • #50
            Very enlightened attitude my friend. I was doing some reading on the site on the russbo site, since this computer can seem to see the topics. I read the article about discipleship especially the part where Shotokan karate and chrisitianity might be right thing for someone else. I can see how it would be could be a good or bad thing. Interesting it be, I want to come and train at las vegas sometime. Sometimes, I wonder if perhaps I'm just wasting peoples time on these forums. Been thinking about finding a different forum to post on so I won't bother you all.
            "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


            • #51
              Don't worry man, you're not bothering anyone here. In my humble opinion, this is one of the most active and well-made English speaking Gongfu websites on the internet. Plus, they got a pretty damn huge and diverse community here. Your free to ask pretty much anything gongfu-related here man.
              a true gongfu system must have the four major aspects of combat to be complete, "striking", "Kicking", Chin'na (joint-locking), and Shuai-Jiao (Wrestling)... in addition it must combine the internal with the external...


              • #52
                Just thought I would ask.

                You know all this talk about wushu got me thinking. I know what your about to say, oh no. But just listen. I believe a person needs a certain level of skill like how to get out of a headlock, etc. But does one want to constantly focus on the intent to kill another? Does one want to teach someone something they can use to harm someone else? In doing so be a party too, they're deeds?

                I'm not very flexible, yet, for example in Karate, alot of people didn't want to learn it like the old people did. So they turned the art into dancing. Now people live alot longer than people did then but still... Reminds me of something my teacher said of kill bill2. The best sword maker in the world, went into the restaurant business because he realized that he could never make a better sword and that his swords we killing machines. So that he could say that he helped to feed people with his life.

                Reading the essays about discipleship, it reminded me of the belt rank system a bit. For example the politics in a large system. The means are different but there is still infighting. I was thinking too, if one is truelly ment to be a disciple, perhaps that will come anyway. If someone trains with you ten years, well, isn't that the same kind of thing. So what can one do to break down this politics?

                I was in church today, and it reminded me some verses of the bible. For example, when Jesus takes disciples. There is also parts where the disciples squabble about who is the greatest amongst them etc. About other stuff as well. (note even a sinless master could not prevent this).

                When your seeking medical care, you want a doctor that can manipulate you. If he can't, then he will cause you unnessary harm. If he's not good at manipulating you, I think there going to cause you pain. Same thing applies when you train under someone. You are atleast giving them authority atleast subconsiousily. They need control. So how can someone break down the politics?

                Perhaps, by training with different people. A strong tree, has many roots. Yet a strong tree cannot endure the worlds harse winds alone and trees that don't bear fruit, well...
                "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


                • #53
                  Anyway, on a non preaching note. I was looking at the karate stuff on this site. I don't know if it's for me alot of it seems hard. I prefer a softer, fighting style. Make new friends, keep the old.
                  "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).

