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Shaolin monk weight exercises

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  • #31
    Forum User Baiwaxi,

    Well what if breathing was combined with pure will ?

    I don't think it's hard to see through these words as long as you have participated therelated practice sessions


    • #32
      Librarian, we assume your cryptic posts imply ch'an buddhist theory, but we aren't sure. The reason why is one knows what the **** you're saying. You seem to be using some kind of translation device. Try using another one.
      Becoming what I've dreamed about.


      • #33
        I once combined pure will with touching and some sexual vampirism. All that had me breathin pretty hard ! Now that was a night to remember, too bad I was blacked out !

        Is that what you mean ???
        "Winners turn to losers, losers are forgotten..." - A Tribe Called Quest


        • #34
          lFJ i have a vegan vagary.

          lfj or any of my cyber homies out there...long time no read. (i broke my laptop in a fit of rage,)
          ive been considering vegetarianism to get a little healthier, and so i could lose weight and not have to do so much to keep it off. (though not to the extreme, i love me my t-bone steaks))

          i was just wondering how you manage to get full off of veggies?

          i can eat a ton of salad and still be hungry until i eat some meat...
          "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


          • #35
            I can just eat a good amount of carbs (rice or bread or pasta) and a bunch of veggie this and thats, from time to time some tofu or soy protien and I get full. I might not stay full as long, but as long as I stay eating vegie stuffs I never gain weight.

            I never became a vegitarian for any "save the animals" type reasons. It wasn't weight either, It's hard to explain, but anyway I DO feel healthier since becoming a veg head. From time to time I eat some fish, but if I eat meat I feel crappy and it messes with my lower gut from time to time.

            My opinion? No need to stop eating the t-bone's, just take a break, a dinner from time to time with no meat, and see how it goes.

            Just a bit of personal experience. When I first became a veggie I couldn't shit for three weeks!!!! Had to see a doctor and everything. Then when I started to shit again I dropped 10 to 15 lbs. No shit. Now-a-days as long as I don't eat too much sweets or eat late at night, no matter how much I eat or how much I exercise, I never gain weight. That is,,, unless I lift.

            I say try it out. See how it goes. No need to go crazy and label it. If you want meat, eat meat. If you want fish, eat fish. As for me, most of the time all I want is veggies and rice ! But that's just me....
            "Winners turn to losers, losers are forgotten..." - A Tribe Called Quest


            • #36
              Proteins make you feel more full, so it's understandable, Splint. If you wanna try out a few meals of vegetarianism, just make sure you get your protein anywhere from dairy to like...I don't know, nuts. I've become somewhat anti-soy in the last few months or so. Here's why:

              "Crafting Delicious Tales of Plant-Based Goodness"

              Oh yeah...What's with that? Seriously, I've been here for almost 3 years now, LFJ posts like ten times, and suddenly we're indistinguishable, lmao
              Becoming what I've dreamed about.


              • #37
                3 years? i thought u came around the same time i did?


                • #38

                  i dont think anyone mixed us up.


                  unlike baiwanxi, i never had any trouble with vegetarianism in the beginning or later. in fact, i may poop more! you just have to know your body and watch how you react to it. i had no problem whatsoever.

                  and you dont just have to eat veggies. you can eat lots of things. whole grains will fill you up good. breads, pastas, nuts, fruits like bananas. you can even fatten up on a vegetarian diet if you eat a lot of fatty things. vegetarianism isnt just salads.

                  you know, there's a lot you can eat and a lot more you'll probably eat than on a meat diet. because if you just eat a steak and get full thats all you're gonna eat for a while. on a vegetarian diet you may eat a wider variety, and also eat more. food is good for you. i think its good to have more room, actually.

                  but really, meat isnt the only thing that will fill you up. just dont eat veggies alone if that does work for you. i hardly ever eat them alone. i like to eat things that feel heavy, like they have some substance to them. pastas are good. italian restaurants?

                  just do enough research and study, look into it before you go. also, if you're concerned about weight, talk to your doctor about your idea of vegetarianism and see what help or advice you can get there.

                  vegetarianism isnt necessarily healthy or non-fatty. its like any other diet. just without meat. so you have to eat right and exercise if you're watching your weight no matter your diet. vegetarianism isnt something different. they just call it that. if you eat meat you dont get a special label? whats with that?


                  • #39
                    LFJ, maybe he was talking to you, but I know Chicken has mixed us up in the not so distant past...I'm not offended, I just think it's funny.

                    Onesp1ng, it says my join date was Aug 2004, and in 4 months, it'll be Aug 2007.
                    Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                    • #40
                      hmmm, well, i never really thought those dates where too accurate. i went overseas in 2002 and had been a "lurker" of the old russbo forum before that time for quite a while, threw the wwk stuff etc, though i only posted a few times. i thought u were here then too. in terms of "coming," it's got to be like seven years for me.


                      • #41
               that case, maybe I've been around since earlier 2004. I never lurk for a long period of time.
                        Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                        • #42
                          Forum User Lei Yun Fat

                          Librarian, we assume your cryptic posts imply ch'an buddhist theory, but we aren't sure. The reason why is one knows what the **** you're saying. You seem to be using some kind of translation device. Try using another one.
                          We ?

                          I know thinking over a few words is hard but din't you think it's possible ?

                          You seem to be using some kind of translation device. Try using another one.
                          Translation programs don't have free dialogical flow

                          P.S.:Ask anything


                          • #43
                            Forum User Baiwanxi,

                            I once combined pure will with touching and some sexual vampirism. All that had me breathin pretty hard ! Now that was a night to remember, too bad I was blacked out !
                            It depends on your motives strength

                            I cannot support devouring or further harming concepts please comprehend

                            Define sexual vampirism

                            Is that what you mean ???
                            I am actually refering to the following:


                            ps:Ask anything


                            • #44
                              Forum user librarian,

                              Do you love BL?

                              ps. ask anything


                              • #45
                                Forum user librarian,

                                Do you love BL?

                                ps. ask anything
                                Forum User Onesp1ng,

                                I am actually viewing every dialogue in a serious way since I believe it is a source of information and knowledge for me

                                Are you doing the same or not ?

