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The Way of the Sixth Sense

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  • #16
    I can vouch for driving yourself crazy if you do it improperly. It's happened to me I think. Chemical inbalance they call it.

    Anyway, I know things are going to happen before they do. For example, using statistics properly, would could estimate the chances for me to come to Las Vegas to train. One thing my statistics teacher said is that you can use statistics to intuitively know things. It tells just where to look. The question is do you really want to know? Because I think other people will sleep better at night not knowing.

    There was something that came up in an accounting class I think is relevent. We were talking about taxes, and if you audited a company. Well once you know things, then what do you do? Then if your called to account before a judge, you had that knowledge. See what I'm getting at.

    Watching someone's body language, is another way of understanding. How do they walk? There are small things too look for.
    "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


    • #17
      Another thing too, is the people I work for things seem to good for the while. Then they don't think they need me, and well... I try and use my knowledge to the benifit of my employer, but it can be intimidating for them. I mean what would you think if a 21 year old guy who was sweeping your floor, was talking about new accounting regulations? Or RFID tags?
      "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


      • #18
        you are truly a master of tangents.


        • #19
          My point was that if one has those kinds of abilities then others may, how we say, might be intimidated and how such abilities may backfire on someone who has them.
          "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


          • #20
            all i have to say about your last post is this.

            "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
            but that we are powerful beyond measure.
            It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.

            We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
            gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
            Actually, who are you not to be?
            You are a child of God.

            Your playing small does not serve the world.
            There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
            so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

            We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
            It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
            And, as we let our own light shine,
            we consciously give other people permission to do the same.

            As we are liberated from our fear,
            our presence automatically liberates others. "

            -Nelson Mandela
            Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


            • #21
              I agree with you in a sense, but yet I feel I do should not make others around me uncomfortable. How does it help someone to make them feel bad about themselves? True one should not keep the light only to one's self.

              I can only help someone as much as they let me. If I go barging well.. It won't be apprioprate.
              "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


              • #22
                anyway, any insight as to whether or not these monks actually "trained" for seeing into the future?


                • #23
                  Is it possible?....

                  Yes, I think it could be true. There is still very much we don't know about life on this planet. I have heard tales of ninjustu practicing this kind of stuff. I have heard the cia, was experimenting with this kind of stuff. There is even documented cases of predictions coming true in the bible, but I don't think that's the same thing.

                  I think one should be wary of listening to demons in this type of thing. Becareful who you open your mind up too. Becareful who you listen to. Even demons can appear as angels of light.
                  "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


                  • #24
                    You know my pastor had a good point today in his sermon. The physic industry makes alot of money each year because people want to know the future. Can't one trust themselves? and leave that up to god what the future holds?

                    He talked about the show, first edition. Where the guy gets the newspaper of tomorrow today. That he felt the weight of god on him. Those are awfully big shoes to fill my friend. Once god reveals something too you, then have a responsibility. But at the end of the day one can only do so much. Like in that show, how can one choose who to save?

                    If you want to know something bad enough. You will eventually find it. There is plenty of stuff out there on this kind of stuff. I'm not saying you should going looking for it though.
                    "If you want pure self-defense buy a can of mace." Grandmaster Villari (I think that is it).


                    • #25
                      the cia is quite adept at wasting our money. anyway, possibility or no, i am still curious as to whether or not there is any historical evidence for this (not that i would be surprised if there was)... drftrader, where exactly did you hear this?

