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Shi Yan Ming: More commentary

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  • #31
    Oh, shit. actually i totally was directing that comment to Maestro. sorry for the misunderstanding; you dont come off nearly as jockish as he does.


    • #32
      mortal you forgot the burger incident in your curriculum vitae, lol...
      "Arhat, I am your father..."
      -the Dark Lord Cod


      • #33
        lol.. funny how the tape cut out before it got to the end of that bit !!! ...

        lol ......

        btw : I was rooting for him kicking your AS*!!!......

        my bad actually ..that was the "driink" incident where he caught you at the bridge !..... ........ see .they're the real life "holy shit this big guy's going to kick my as* " kind of skills we want to hear about you handling.......

        not quite a cv exerp but I'm sure they'd remember your app at least ...


        Last edited by blooming tianshi lotus; 09-12-2005, 11:32 PM.


        • #34
          is that a language?
          "Arhat, I am your father..."
          -the Dark Lord Cod


          • #35
            is this a posted clip or something? id like to see this.


            • #36
              What clips are you guys talking about? I'm lost.

              The burger incident. Ahhh the good old days.

              One night at Yanmings B-day party we were all drinking and having a good time. Many of Yanmings celebrity friends were there. He was kissing all their assess as usual. Anyway its getting late and there was only a small group of us left so I suggest going to the diner. At first he says forget it. So another hour goes by we are all exhausted getting ready to leave. At that moment Yanming decides he is hungry. But doesn't want to go to the diner as a group. No he wants just me to go as a servant boy to get everything for him and his celebrity friends. I hesitated at first because it was 5 am and I was with a group of poeple that wanted to go home. As soon as I mentioned we just wanted to leave he went crazy on me. I'm in my late twenty's and am not anyones servant. Especially a drunk kungfu master and his celebrity friends. He should have made one of them go or had it delivered. Instead he was cold and mean to me for no reason from that day on until finally I quit. He handled that like a truly enlightened Buddihst master to say the least. I guess no one ever taught him about not holding a grudge.


              • #37
                well that is one way to look at it, lol...
                "Arhat, I am your father..."
                -the Dark Lord Cod


                • #38
                  I wonder what excuses dressed in cultural/spiritual garb are used to cover for that one on USAST's part. Well, you all know what i'd say about this anyway.


                  • #39
                    "I wonder what excuses dressed in cultural/spiritual garb are used to cover for that one on USAST's part. Well, you all know what i'd say about this anyway"

                    I don't know what you'll say but I have a good idea based off this. lol You nailed it.

                    Some people are just elitist amitabha nerds that like to correct everyone elses behaviour. Like THEY are true Lohans or something.

                    Not you arhat. Your cool!! So is your bro. In a way I'm suprised your still training there. I guess when Yanming asks you for a 5 am burger you ran out to get it at the speed of sound. lolo


                    • #40
                      run for burgers? I xuan si, son!!!

                      Anthony has the couth or however you spell it of a brooklyn born and bred skater punk- I mean that in an endearing way, was fun watching cultures collide, a little...if I had to say, you never got him and he never got you. I think actually you were the victim of the bottle incident before there was the burger incident. anyway Mortal don't make it like you never jumped for SYM!! Remember Evergreen and the Charlie Horse!!

                      But Dog, please do run your mouth a little, lol...especially since this was introduced as a bit of an inside joke between me and an old gong fu brother, which perhaps I should have kept to pm, but hey why not try and work cocaine into it if you can as you make your very knowledgeable judgement.

                      I like the term "amitabha nerd."

                      I have been borrowing from Chapelle lately, "I'm Heng Fa, bitch!"
                      "Arhat, I am your father..."
                      -the Dark Lord Cod


                      • #41
                        I think actually you were the victim of the bottle incident before there was the burger incident. anyway Mortal don't make it like you never jumped for SYM!! Remember Evergreen and the Charlie Horse!!
                        reading these last few posts have given me the sensation of being pulled into a world that i'll never understand. and i think i prefer it that way.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by arhat
                          But Dog, please do run your mouth a little, lol...especially since this was introduced as a bit of an inside joke between me and an old gong fu brother, which perhaps I should have kept to pm, but hey why not try and work cocaine into it if you can as you make your very knowledgeable judgement.
                 i was curious about was what excuses would be made for this behavior. I remember on shaolinwolf there have been numerous threads where ppl ask honest questions and get retarded answers from Yan Ming's disciples. Usually, there is an underlying "we're enlightened/ students of an enlightened person and ur not so since you cant even begin to reach our level of understanding you should just take our word for it and if not ur just a cultureless narrowminded ignoramus" tone and almost always it completely ignores the waves of reason that pounds against its shores.


                          Q: What style does SYM teach?

                          A (Hengs): Sifu Shi Yan Ming teaches every style and no style.

                          Q: No, really, i mean meat and bones what is the system?

                          A (Hengs): Didn't you get it the first time? Ok, well since ur not enlightened and merry we'll repeat the answer, every style and no style.

                          Q: Well, yea obviously. anyone who has ever heard of bruce lee knows the mentality. But whats the name?

                          A (Hengs): Wow, how cant you just understand and be all transcendantalist about it: every sytle and no style.

                          Q: ah, maybe someone else will know, What style does SYM teach?

                          A (Hengs): Sifu Shi Yan Ming teaches every style and no style.

                          ******this repeats roughly 87,926,285,601,377 times******


                          A (someone who is not a student at USAST): Songshan Shaolin Gong Fu, which may or may not include Xiao/Da Hong Quan, Tongbei forms, animal forms, sometimes some sanshou, etc.

                          [person who asked the question] : Oh, wow thanks person who is not training at USAST but had the spine to give me a difinitive answer.

                          The above scenario is decorated with all sorts of mental gymnastics, seldom answering any often sincere questions and just about always includeing a sectio where the Heng's try to run off subject and turn the thing into some kind of joke (usually an ongoing inside one). While the people i am sure are being referred to here as Amithaba nerds feel very high and mighty from all this, I can assure you they accomplish nothing and make themselves look like idiots (at best).

                          And this is just about being asked what style they practice. when it comes to defending accusations against their teacher, or just about any time something is asked the answer of which would most likely not make Yan Ming look exceptionally great, the circus is totally on. Not that i regularly attack Yan Ming, but hey the stuff is there and i read it. the fact is that logic and reason fail as defences when the Amithaba nerds are confronted. whether Yan Ming or anyone on the defensive is right or ok or humble or buddhist etc or not dosent matter because the circus ensues.

                          So, assuming the scenario that Yan Ming did flip out and there was tension between him and Mortal which Mortal believes caused him to leave AND assuming this was because Mortal wouldnt get his drunken gong fu master a burger at 5 am, what excuses are the concensus at USAST as to yan ming's behavior?

                          See, my judgement on this need not be very knowlegeable. why? because i was asking a question, not making a statement.
                          Last edited by dogchow108; 09-13-2005, 11:28 PM.


                          • #43
                            personally dogchow i can see where your coming from.. lolo but mortals story was pretty funny hahahaha

                            though if that were my master and that were me i would feel pretty shitty for a long time, would probably do the same thing to..

                            the fact of the matter to me is, this shouldnt become the yan ming bashing thread.

                            umm, can i say personally hes transmitting shaolin gung fu incorrectly? i dont know... traditionally he isnt transmitting it in the same method because its obvious his students have little to no knowledge of bridge sensititivty which include the arm and leg, and just looking at the murals at shaolin and studying most shaolin arts indepth can show you that shaolin is bridge dependent, like most CMA btw. also the lack of understanding of qi is apparent even though yan ming cannot do any of his shaolin qi gong without knowing whats what. which leads me to think what exactly he teaches when it comes to qi gong...

                            either way he is teaching shaolin kung fu, personally ive said it before their are alot better sources for chan then these monks. the buddhism in shaolin temple is all but EXTINCT. i mean..cmon the place is a tourist attraction. anyone imo who truly belives yan ming is some crazy enlightened buddhist monk is off their rocker imo. because enlightened to what..i have no idea, maybe the fact that westerners are for the most part weaklings who know no better then to follow every bald chinese guy that comes around.
                            "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


                            • #44
                              no lines of blow...?

                              can't Ghostface do a line off Guan Yin or something spicy like that...

                              Let me just say, you hear some shit, and you want to clear it up, contact me. I will tell you straight out what the fu¢k is what. 95% of the shit you hear (or in your case read) is distorted crap and trust me there is a backstory to a lot of it that would put things in a much different light. So let me just say, don't ASSUME, because someone carries an unanswered gripe that's how it goes.

                              He drinks, he has kids. He's open about it. Time to time he eats meat. Here is where the fu¢king sky falls.

                              In deference to Anthony, I never should have mentioned what was to be an inside joke between us, and I honestly think if he really thought about it with some nudging and memory prompts what the forum is now privy to might get laid out a little different. Of course Dog, you are well read and that would sink so many of your would be far less interesting and not so much fuel for the fodder if the benefit of the doubt went to the person not here to defend themselves or tell their side of things is it.

                              Anthony would tell you himself he rubbed a lot of people there the wrong way, and I myself tried to put a few olive branches between Anthony and SYM to no avail, maybe I wasn't being blatant enough and sometimes I would scratch my head as regarding Anthony's behaviour or mentality, cuz it seemed to me that he wanted a certain rapport with Sifu but he seemed to look at building that rapport was achievable through his tuition and he never wanted to earn it beyond that or take any action to cement or foster it. You can laugh off the burger incident and Anthony makes it a funny story but it was more than a burger request. It was a master asking a student to do something, really something that is no big deal if you stop to think about it. if my dad asked me to go get him and his friend a burger I would just go and do it, especially if the friend was helping my dad out with money or whatever! In anthony's characterization SYM is like a spoiled brat but I don't recall him flipping out nor being smashed, I remember it was basically Shifu and Bokeem, and Sifu was saying if Anthony was hungry get whatever too. That's my memory, and maybe it's wrong.

                              When Anthony did leave, I heard through the grapevine that some people were told not to speak to him or some shit like that- well SYM knew that Anthony my brother and I were close and I never once heard any kind of shit like that come from SYM. He wouldn't say anything like that, so I think some people were just talking shit as they are wont to do.

                              Here's another example, and Anthony I'll delete this if you want- Anthony was a goddamn chi machine. The kid would come out of the elevator doing xuan si, no warm up. I'm not joking. So SYM liked to have him at the front of the lines, giving out the chi, keeping up the energy- and I'll tell you honestly more than once he kept me going cuz he was always encouraging. Literally, if Anthony was not there, the energy would be different in the room. SYM told me that directly, and he liked to see Anthony in the front of the line. When it came time to start class, Anthony would run to the front and he liked that.

                              Anthony took it as a snub that SYM never asked him to teach anyone.

                              But they couldn't communicate well with each other. Anthony never got into the 'little things' and SYM liked to see people do little shit like that, and to a certain degree, with some people more than others, he likes to see formal traditions respected. Take out the garbage. Clean the mirrors. Dust the altar. A couple of times I would say to him, Anthony, give me a hand painting the chips from the staffs. He would say, what are you working here now, laugh and walk away with SYM watching.

                              So like I said, Anthony if you want this down just let me know.
                              "Arhat, I am your father..."
                              -the Dark Lord Cod


                              • #45
                                lol, oh you crazy new yorkers are to much. so many fond memorys eh? lolo

                                so mortals name is anthony eh. well, listen i did think of one thing while i read mortals post. IF mortal was a disciple of SYM as the chinese see it you basically have to all but whipe their asses for them if they ask you to. its a respect thing like arhat said father and son. but if mortal was just a regular student come and go every month or whatever then i dont see how SYM could request something like that and expect him to do so, no matter how simple the task seems.

                                although, arhat yknow, from what alot of people say about these monks 95% of it could be false according to you all, but the same could be said about wong kiew kit. except for him if 95% of it were incorrect it would mean hes an evil money grubber cause most everyone thinks wkk is a demigod or something.

                                either way this is regardless of all this shit these storys are just ridiculous..

                                SYM; go get me some cow meat bitch.

                                anthony; im tired damnit i dont want to.

                                SYM; you little turncoat, i ought to destroy you with my little finger, begone!!

                                anthony; you self righteous bastard, this is what i get for all my damn hard work blood and sweat? im gone baldy!!

                                SYM; meh
                                "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus

