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  • shiyanhao
    started a topic learn kung fu in shaoli temple

    learn kung fu in shaoli temple

    Kung Fu Training in China Shaolin TempleTrain Kung Fu with authentic Shaolin Warrior Monks with prestigious Martial Arts lineage and the highest education....
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  • Regulations of the 8th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu Festival

    I. DATE AND PLACE From October 22 to 26, 2010 in Zhengzhou, Henan, China. II. ORGANIZERS General Administration of Sports of China People’s Government of Henan Province III. UNDERTAKEN BY Chinese Wushu Association Sports Bureau of Henan Province People’s Municipal Government of Zhengzhou Ⅳ. PARTICIPANTS Any wushu group, organization or individual. Ⅴ. COMPETITON EVENTS 1. Shaolin compulsory events: Quanshu, Daoshu, Jianshu, Gunshu, Qiangshu 2.Traditional shaolin events: a.Quanshu: Hon...
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  • International Shaolin Wushu Festival

    International Shaolin Wushu Festival

    The Eighth China Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival will be held in Zhengzhou from Oct.22 to Oct.26,2010. The events and the competitions are open to all.
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