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China Travel x

  • shiyanhao
    started a topic learn kung fu in shaoli temple

    learn kung fu in shaoli temple

    Kung Fu Training in China Shaolin TempleTrain Kung Fu with authentic Shaolin Warrior Monks with prestigious Martial Arts lineage and the highest education....
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  • US State Department Travel Alert

    US State Department Travel Alert

    The U.S. Department of State alerts U.S. citizens traveling and residing abroad to the enhanced potential for anti-American violence given recent counter-terrorism activity in Pakistan. Given the uncertainty and volatility of the current situation, U.S. citizens in areas where recent events could cause anti-American violence are strongly urged to limit their travel outside of their homes and hotels and avoid mass gatherings and demonstrations. U.S. citizens should stay current with media coverage...
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  • Regulations of the 8th Zhengzhou China International Shaolin Wushu Festival

    I. DATE AND PLACE From October 22 to 26, 2010 in Zhengzhou, Henan, China. II. ORGANIZERS General Administration of Sports of China People’s Government of Henan Province III. UNDERTAKEN BY Chinese Wushu Association Sports Bureau of Henan Province People’s Municipal Government of Zhengzhou Ⅳ. PARTICIPANTS Any wushu group, organization or individual. Ⅴ. COMPETITON EVENTS 1. Shaolin compulsory events: Quanshu, Daoshu, Jianshu, Gunshu, Qiangshu 2.Traditional shaolin events: a.Quanshu: Hon...
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  • Yunnan Province: Bad mushrooms and acute liver failure

    Yunnan Province: Bad mushrooms and acute liver failure

    There has been a recent rash of liver related problems and deaths in Yunnan province this past year, more so than usual. There have been a lot of theories as to why Chinese citizens are being diagnosed with Acute Liver Failure (ALF), but one potential cause seems to be the most prevalent. Bad mushrooms. The Chinese in Yunnan province, and in the western part of China, tend to not farm mushrooms, but go out into the wild and pick them. The consequences of these actions can be fatal. Keep in min...
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  • International Shaolin Wushu Festival

    International Shaolin Wushu Festival

    The Eighth China Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival will be held in Zhengzhou from Oct.22 to Oct.26,2010. The events and the competitions are open to all.
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