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Thailand Travel x

  • Increased danger in the deep south of Thailand

    Increased danger in the deep south of Thailand

    Security in the Deep South of Thailand This is to alert U.S. citizens of a recent rise of violence in the deep south of Thailand in the border provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani, and Yala. Last month, at least 50 violent incidents killed over 30 people and injured almost 40 others. There is the possibility that foreigners, including westerners, may be targeted in this region. We remind you that the deep south of Thailand has experienced almost daily incidents of criminally and politically motiv...
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  • Severe flooding in Bangkok

    Severe flooding in Bangkok

    This Travel Alert is being issued to alert U.S. citizens to difficulties related to travel in the flood-affected areas of Thailand, including Bangkok. This Travel Alert supersedes the Travel Alert dated October 27, 2011, to update information on flooding. Floodwaters are generally receding, and the overall situation is improving. However, flooding still hampers transportation and limits access to some essential services in the affected areas. The U.S. Department of State advises caution if traveling...
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    1. This Travel Alert is being issued to alert U.S. citizens to difficulties related to travel in the flood-affected areas of the central and lower parts of northern Thailand, including Bangkok. Severe flooding has hampered transportation and limited access to some essential services in the affected regions. The U.S. Department of State recommends against all but essential travel to the affected areas. This Travel Alert extends only to the areas of Thailand listed in the following paragraph. Most...
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  • Flooding continues in Thailand

    Flooding continues in Thailand

    Flooding continues in central Thailand and is becoming more widespread in the Bangkok Metropolitan area. It is unknown how long these conditions will persist. Water levels are dropping in most other parts of Thailand that have been flooded. As a purely precautionary measure, U.S. citizens assigned to the Embassy who live approximately 12 kilometers north of central Bangkok in Pakred District, Nonthaburi Province have the option of relocating for a few days to central Bangkok, should they wish...
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  • Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens on Flooding in Thailand

    Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens on Flooding in Thailand

    Seasonal monsoon rainfall worsened by a series of tropical depressions is flooding wide areas of central Thailand and scattered locations in northern and northeastern Thailand. These conditions are expected to continue for at least several more days, worsening in the Chao Phraya River basin from Uthaithani and Chai Nat provinces to Ayutthaya. Flood conditions between Ayutthaya and the mouth of the Chao Phraya River south of Bangkok are expected to increase in severity for several additional days....
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  • US State Department Travel Alert

    US State Department Travel Alert

    The U.S. Department of State alerts U.S. citizens traveling and residing abroad to the enhanced potential for anti-American violence given recent counter-terrorism activity in Pakistan. Given the uncertainty and volatility of the current situation, U.S. citizens in areas where recent events could cause anti-American violence are strongly urged to limit their travel outside of their homes and hotels and avoid mass gatherings and demonstrations. U.S. citizens should stay current with media coverage...
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  • Political Demonstrations Planned November 19-22 in Bangkok and Chiang Mai

    Political Demonstrations Planned November 19-22 in Bangkok and Chiang Mai

    This message alerts U.S. citizens in Thailand to planned demonstrations in Bangkok on November 19, and to the possibility of political demonstrations and road closures in and around Chiang Mai city from November 19-22 (the final weekend of the Loy Krathong festival). From 8:00 am until approximately 9:00 pm on Friday, November 19, the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD-Red Shirts) plans to hold demonstrations in various areas of Bangkok, including the Rajaprasong area (aroun...
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  • Fighting along Thai-Burma Border

    Fighting along Thai-Burma Border

    This message alerts U.S. citizens visiting and residing in Thailand that fighting inside Burma near the Thai border has reportedly caused limited injuries and damage inside Thailand. Americans are strongly advised to avoid travel to and around the Thai-Burma border. On November 8, fighting broke out in Myawaddy, Burma between elements of the DKBA and the Burmese Army; several mortar and RPG rounds were reported to have landed in Mae Sot, Thailand. In Mae Sot, about ten people were reportedly...
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  • Warnings on potential bombings in Thailand

    Warnings on potential bombings in Thailand

    This message alerts U.S. citizens traveling to or residing in Thailand that media reports indicate there is a possibility of bomb attacks against certain Royal Thai Government facilities and unnamed foreign embassies on Wireless Road. This information has not been verified. Nevertheless, holidays like those coming up next week have at times been exploited by violent elements within Thailand to conduct disruptive operations such as bombings. Consequently, U.S. citizens should exercise caution during...
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  • Thai Curfew: Emergency decrees

    Thai Curfew: Emergency decrees

    The Department of State has canceled the May 27, 2010, Travel Warning for Thailand due to improvements in safety and security conditions throughout the country. The Thai government ended the nightly curfew May 29, 2010. On July 6, 2010, the Thai Government renewed the emergency decree powers in 19 provinces but ended the emergency decree powers in 5 provinces. This message reminds U.S. citizens that emergency decree powers remain in effect in the following provinces: * Bangkok metropolitan area * Ayut...
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  • Thai Curfew: Extended Curfew

    Thai Curfew: Extended Curfew

    This warden message alerts U.S. citizens traveling to and residing in Thailand that the Royal Thai Government through the Center for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced that it will impose a shortened curfew for at least one more day and will evaluate the need to extend the curfew on a day-to-day basis. To find out if the Royal Thai Government has extended the curfew, please refer to local media and our website. We will not send out another email warden message solely...
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  • Thai Curfew: "Shoot on sight" orders

    Thai Curfew: "Shoot on sight" orders

    May 19, 2010 This warden message alerts U.S. citizens traveling to and residing in Thailand that the Royal Thai Government through the Center for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced that a curfew is in place from 8:00pm to 6:00am starting tonight, Wednesday, May 19. This curfew applies to the Bangkok metropolitan area and to all Thai provinces under the State of Emergency (see details below). Early morning flights may be impacted because of the curfew and the inabili...
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  • Safety issues in Thailand

    Safety issues in Thailand

    On April 26, 2010, United States Ambassador Eric G. John convened a Town Hall meeting for American citizens in Bangkok. Joining him were other Embassy officials to answer questions from the audience. During the more than hour-long meeting, the Ambassador emphasized the need for Thailand to solve its political differences peacefully and without bloodshed. He also added that the Embassy was in frequent contact with all parties in the current political situation and that the United States Government...
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