There are multiple ways of finding new posts on this forum.

First, you can get email notification of new posts to any thread that you have responded to. It happens automatically.

Second, if you "subscribe" the the thread that you're interested in, you will get email notification about every post that occurs on that thread.

Third, you can use the "View New Posts" link on the upper right side of the main page. This will show you all the new posts on the forum that you have not yet read. Problem is, once you go to the relevant page, the new posts will not show up again via the "View New Posts" link. There's a fix for that....

IF, you want to see all the posts from the previous x days, regardless of whether you've seen them before or not, you can tell the forum to search for these posts. You can decide how many days you want to view, by changing the number on the end of the following line. Input this line into your browser's address window, with the number of days that you'd like to see, and press enter. This code will tell the forum to search back through the number of days that you specify, and will list all posts entered over those days. The following example will tell the forum to search back over 7 days. You can change it as you wish.

This is the site address:

You can use this link:

Feel free to input this site address into your browser address window, and BOOKMARK it (add it to your Favorites list), so that you can use it repeatedly, as needed.

I'll add some buttons on the top of each page, called "last week", and "last day", so that in the future, all you will have to do is click on a button in the header, to do this search for you.

Hope this helps.
