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Beating the Stars

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  • #16
    blacks have ebonics, why not chinglish

    ty for the complement, props to the late kenny gong for saying it
    "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


    • #17
      why dont anyone try a setup with chickens and human heads?


      i loved it too. i gotta see that again
      i got one speed bag, and its not even set up, i didnt realize how hard it is to set those things up.
      "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


      • #18
        I've got a 40 lb punching bag that I tied to a support beam in my garage for greater resistance. That is about the extent of my innovative improv. Oh yeah, I also practice 3 point armblocks on my basketball pole. When a man gets desperate for a partner, eh?
        Becoming what I've dreamed about.


        • #19
          be careful man... metal can be a b!tch to train with, especially the areas used for three star striking. wrap some rope around it at least...
          "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


          • #20
            Please clarify. Striking the pole is a good substitute for a partner, and I ain't got that much rope.
            Becoming what I've dreamed about.


            • #21
              you aint gotta wrap the whole pole, just the parts that you guy.
              "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


              • #22
                I want to know the reasons WHY you think metal is bad for guy.
                Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                • #23
                  dont get me wrong, if you can take it, then by all means, beat away.

                  metal just sounds a little too hard to train with, but i did the same thing with my punches,

                  but when i picture myself doing three star blocking, i just think "ouch" then again i was never really into conditioning anything but my knuckles on my right hand.
                  "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"


                  • #24
                    Knuckle conditioning makes me say "ouch", because I have a few effed up knuckles from when I was crazy. I can handle the metal pole on my blocks because there aren't that many people to practice with, and the people that are rarely able to practice with me are not up to par with me on these blocks. So I turn to my pole and start whacking it.

                    Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                    • #25
                      Be careful with the metal pole....

                      The rope might not be a bad idea. I think a heavy bag works fine though.
                      practice wu de


                      • #26
                        A bag for blocks? I use a bag for my fists, and maybe forearm strikes but practicing 3 point blocks and other block conditioning exercises doesn't seem right on a bag.
                        Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                        • #27
                          yeah just be careful on hitting it full force, and if youre not practicing blocks full force, then you might be training yourself the wrong way.

                          i had a piece of bamboo about 3 inches wide. i first hammered a metal pole about an inch wide into the ground sticking out about 3 feet, then placed the 3 inch wide bamboo on top of it then hammered the bamboo down so that the metal pole acted as an anchor. the bamboo was about 6 feet tall, i wrapped some cotton rope around it and it worked great for kicks punches and blocks, similar to a mikiwara pad except the roundness of the bamboo allowed me to hit it from all angles. it also bounced when i punched it so it acted as a speed bag too for developing punching rythm. and i could hit it almost full force neatly.

                          i highly reccomend this to the metal basketball post.

                          also you can bind three pvc pipes abouttwo and a half to two feet long together and have someone jab at you with a safety inch away, you can practice blocks this way too, and your partner wont get hurt.

                          have you read that book by mike young? i think its called home training or something like that, good book.
                          "Life is a run. In attack we run, in defense we run. When you can no longer run, time to die" - Shichiroji "Seven samurai"

