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What are the 3 parts of the assignment?

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  • What are the 3 parts of the assignment?

    Any type of assignment has these three parts 1) Introduction, 2) Body, and 3) Conclusion.

    1) Introduction: The introduction part of any assignment usually attracts the reader by grabbing his attention by writing it engagingly. In some of the assignments, the writer has to write about the basic and background information of the Topic. The introduction usually contains the overview of the topic and the thesis on which the whole assignment is based.

    2) Body: The body section of the assignment changes as per the type of the assignment. Like if the assignment is an essay then the body contains every valuable information in it. And if the assignment is big like a dissertation or a research paper then the body consists of several parts. Like Literature review, Methodology, and results. This is where most students seek help from any Assignment writing service.

    3) Conclusion: It contains the key points and every other finding of the whole assignment.​

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