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Potential Las Vegas Thanksgiving Seminar

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  • #16
    Shi De xxxx told me he's going to Vegas to visit his "pengyou", and was excited to dine at the famous
    American restaurant curiously named after a nocturnal bird. Hmm....

    De Hong is doing well, and is moving into a new apartment. He did a Qigong conference with a bunch of
    Japanese men at the Tianzhong. Quite interesting to watch a group of middle aged men bob up and down like
    rag dolls.

    Dengfeng is on the up and up. Some new restaurants have opened up recently that are quite good. And in
    Zhengzhou, I ate at the most beautiful restaurant I've ever visited in China. It resembled one of the
    visiting rooms in the beginning of "Crouching Tiger". Ornate cherry wood, koi river with bridge, and Chinese
    doll on strings. Oh yeah, food was excellent Guangdongcai.

    Should be interesting to see the new Shaolin and especially the new Tagou. I watched this Tagou VCD
    last night, and the plans for the new complex look like an amusement park. It's HUGE, with all different
    kinds of areas and facilities, and most pleasing to the eye, lots of green parkland? like a Shaolin

    Didn't I get into enough trouble the last time I took monks to "the famous American restaurant curiously named after a nocturnal bird"?
    Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

    "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

    (more comments in my User Profile)


    • #17
      I hope you decide to host a seminar Thanksgiving weekend. I will unfortunately have to miss the seminar Nov. 6 and I would really like the opportunity to participate in a seminar with Shi Xing Wei.


      • #18
        I don't think we're going to bother with a seminar on the Thanksgiving weekend. I would rather it just be a friendly get together. Of course, if invited people want to train with the monks at the school here, they're more than welcome to. It's their decision.

        As for the rest of you, who don't fit into the "invited category", and you want to participate, email me and we'll try to work something out.

        I kind of have to know how many people I'm feeding. Got to have an idea as to how many turkeys to shoot....
        Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

        "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

        (more comments in my User Profile)


        • #19
          Just to let all of you know...

          Gene Ching, of Kung Fu Qi Gong magazine (or is it Qi Gong Kung Fu, it's hell getting old), will be at our Thanksgiving get together, with some other important people, to provide some coverage, AND, more important, work with all of our visiting monks on future magazine coverage. Considering what's going on in the Shaolin world of martial arts, with all the bullshit being slung around, it's very important to keep our monks in the limelight.

          See you soon.
          Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

          "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

          (more comments in my User Profile)


          • #20
            Hey doc, seeing as how I won't be making it back to the eastcoast for that particular holiday, and some of my friends in med school might be in a similar scenario, would you mind if myself and possibly one or two other TCM medical students came to your thanksgiving party? I figured it would be nice to have your blessing first before I go asking people if they want to spend that particular holiday weekend with shaolin monks in vegas. It is your house after all. At the very least we can perform acupressure on the wounded and eat/cook vegetarian cuisine to spare you having to shoot an extra turkey. I make really good mashed potatoes.
            Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


            • #21
              Let's get something straight.

              I make killer mashed potatoes.

              End of discussion.

              And, yes, even though there will be vegetables, (and the famous doc lasagna), it won't be a very happy day for turkeys. There shall be terror in turkey land.

              Monks don't usually eat turkeys; they're rare, and expensive, in China. Besides, it's pretty damn hard to make one out of tofu. So, I'm gonna cook some.

              You're more than welcome to come on down. There should be enough food, though I can't supply accomodations. Donations to DeCheng et al, directly, if they teach, would be appreciated. Cute female TCM students would also be appreciated. I'm always up for some female fingers pressuring my accupoints.

              Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

              "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

              (more comments in my User Profile)


              • #22

                No Demasco? What kind of Shaolin party is this? Can't be real shaolin! You fake monk you....

                Monks in Babylon, man. only you could pull this one off.


                Sorry about the invite list man. I know that this disappoints you tremendously. But, we've got to be selective. The doc house is only so big. And there's only so many turkeys we can assassinate.

                At this point, we've got quite a few real Shaolin types planning on showing up for Thanksgiving. Monks, from, well, literally, all over the world. Should be an interesting time.

                Bring your appetite. I'm gonna be a cooking fool that week.
                Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                (more comments in my User Profile)

