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Food Combos: Proper nutrition and diet (In search of the Perfect Poop)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by LeiYunFat
    I have a question regarding my turds, actually. When I take craps, they are usually lightbrown, soft, and fairly long. However, this usually and exclusively happens for when I drink milk.

    My diet is pretty well balanced compared to the average American. However, (and I've done this many times) when I don't drink milk, my crap is hard, dark, and comes out like clumps. It is also very hard to poop out. I have been drinking milk all my life so is milk my heroin?

    I can't seem to function at 100% when i have prolonged milk depletion. I have pains in my feet and hands, when I am lacking milk. (actually the pains was when I was younger. They were fairly frequent when I didn't drink.)

    I hear ya Leiyun,

    and If I lax up on my own diet , I get the same grindy belly jazz myself....... just a little darker and looser. You need more juice ( like apple & blackcurrent or orange) . Lay back on some of those dairies occassionally and incorporate a cold extra strength green tea with a couple of equal tabs in the morning or as a glco replacement post exercise. Mix your protein with water sometimes, do a vit b supplement in an effervencent tab of an early pm ( 3 -4 ) , add a laxative or super super soluble extra dose of fibre at night, add water, do some water melon or jubey loolies if you must ( but only with lemon juice shot ) wake up to a sweet black coffee and enjoy your new bowel health. It is IMO the absolute most important part of health and pitty the poor sucker who doesn't want to confess he poops. If we're going to do it anyway, we may aswell know how to do it well.

    Btw : FYI : I haven't had a really solid one for a while, and feel soooooo godammned good you wouldn't believe me if I told you. I do overload soluble protein ( whey spectrum powder in no fat high protein milk fpor about 1X gm / kg bw + 10 ) several times in my day, cut it with a shot or 100 ml max red wine or lemon juice / effervencent vit b- c complex tab / cold sweet green tea and never do less than 9 laxatives at a time. I do a dose pre food and follow it with the same. If I'm doing mega carb , I do up to 13. A sweet syrup ( watermelon / thick jelly lolly / black coffee / sweet b/c + a cracker or 2 , aple from applepie with a dairy ( and the good news here is that ice - cream / cream is back on the menu on occassion) activates it and with some water ( 500 or so ml ) within an hour or so , you should have pooped one to a few trimes and be feeling as good as you'll ever for your nxt workout. If you take this plan, just remember that at bare min, you'll need some dry carbs to about 1.5 gms / kg bw each 4 or so days and 1/2 gm / kg at least at second day. Expect it too hurt and expect to feel really really good almost directly after.


    Blooming Tianshi


    • #32
      PHP]Expect it too hurt and expect to feel really really good almost directly after.[/PHP]

      She really does have a way with words. I mean, if there's a little pain involved, then large amounts of satisfaction directly after, ****, I might just have to try it!



      • #33
        Originally posted by blooming tianshi lotus
        IMO the absolute most important part of health and pitty the poor sucker who doesn't want to confess he poops. If we're going to do it anyway, we may aswell know how to do it well.
        within an hour or so , you should have pooped one to a few trimes and be feeling as good as you'll ever for your nxt workout.
        I hear ya loud and clear bout the crap thing. In almost all of my casual sentences, I'll throw a "shit" or a "crap" in there somewhere. But yeah, you gotta get that stuff down.

        As for the second part, no can do. Today infact, I went to first period and already had to crap (I didn't try your program but the point is that pooping too frequently is no good).

        Now let me tell you now that I HATE crapping in public restrooms, especially public schools.

        I was feelin alright after that, but half way through second period, I was having a whole nother load. I was totally not going to deal with this all day at school, so I left.

        So pooping for me has to have atleast a 6 hour break everyday. I try to go at night before my shower, so I feel cleaner and will be nice and light for the next day.

        And as insureance so that if I drink milk the next morning, I won't be paying for it in the bathrooms decorated with other people's feces on the floor and pissed on toilet paper.
        Becoming what I've dreamed about.


        • #34
          It can be really inconvenient , but once you figure out what activates it and how long you have and how long it lasts, then you can plan your daily sched around it and considering it'as where I credit the bulk of my energy to pull out 12 hr work out days , it's still worth it!

          Once you've seen say the toilets out at shaolin si for example and travelled through enough terrain, funny how less fusssy you get . When nature calls it just does. Wet tissues or disenfectant wipes are probably a really good addition to your back pack and if worst comes to worse , hey, at least your mabu's looking better

          Like I said, it's a fine tuned event but definately worth trying............. even if it was just to say it gave you the sh*ts and you couldn't handle it a moment more .


          Last edited by blooming tianshi lotus; 03-14-2005, 12:59 AM.


          • #35
            Has anyone really read this thread?

            LOL. You guys are killing me with your turd fascination. Purely comical.

            Keep it "running".
            Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

            "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

            (more comments in my User Profile)


            • #36
              So, LYF, obviously your body has become heavily adjusted to dairy. This is not a terrible thing. But apparently, milk being a yin tonic, you have problems with yin deficient constipation when you stop drinking milk but healthy looking bm's when you do drink it.

              *drumroll please* So don't try to stop drinking milk.
              Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


              • #37
                Okay so now we have our sh*t together , we can all just stop speaking poop I guess. Do agree on what Daodejing said there and really, milk is a daily essential for me personally aswell ( though drinking that much, a no or low fat option is best ) and you're likely running the same.

                Enough of that crap from me, though if anyone does get into it and wants some advice on how to activate / stop or whatever, feel free to ask.

                Tianshi Lotus


                • #38
                  Milk causes lots of problems in people as they get older. A significant part of the population gets lactase deficient, which causes bloating and diarrhea with dairy product ingestion. And, the fat load is not the best for you.

                  The only adult animals that really drink milk in significant quantities, other than Mickey, are cats. And humans.

                  And we all know how smart cats are.
                  Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                  "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                  (more comments in my User Profile)


                  • #39
                    lol, sits down near the fire.....

                    doc, can you tell us about milk again (or give as a linkage)
                    practice wu de


                    • #40
                      all i can say is a glass of whole milk after a night of whiskey really hits the spot.


                      • #41
                        Zach has trancended "glasses" or "bottles" of whiskey. Much like how the light year measures distance, Zach's whiskey drinking measures time.

                        And how did your rep shoot up so high?!
                        Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                        • #42
                          What's a jubey looly?
                          BTW: I read that a moist, soft stool that breaks apart when you flush is a good sign. Is there any truth to that?

                          I didn't realize that milk is a tonic. I always thought that in TCM milk was looked down upon once you're off the breast. Or am I just getting my milk from the wrong place?


                          • #43
                            I don't know where that concept orginated or if people just started wising up, but it's getting more frequent in mainstream thought.
                            Becoming what I've dreamed about.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Adam K.
                              BTW: I read that a moist, soft stool that breaks apart when you flush is a good sign. Is there any truth to that?
                              It just means that your poop doesn't have enough qi.

                              You need to work on that man. Poop without qi, is, well, deadly. In my professional medical opinion.
                              Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                              "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                              (more comments in my User Profile)


                              • #45
                                This of course can be solved by eating qi in between meals. But only 3 times a day. Any more and you'll be pooping golf balls.
                                Becoming what I've dreamed about.

