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  • Criticism

    Okay, this may not be specifically for a hospital, but i suppose mental health comes under it as well...

    Is it just me, or do other people get crap for the kind of training they do. I mean, if i start conditioning my shins at home with bamboo or a sandbag, i get told it's self mutilation! Funny coming from someone with 4 holes in her ears but...

    Or if i am sitting in ma bu in my school gym and straining from the effort of staying there, i'll first be asked what the hell i'm doing, and then why, seeing how much strain it seems to be.

    Can someone please inform me, is it just people's innate laziness?

    And I'll add, it's the same with stretching, same with any stances, same with press ups... anything, what's wrong with practising press ups on your fingertips?

    And then there is the old "well, what's the point in knowing a MA if i pulled a gun on you?"

  • #2
    People are ignorant to things they don't understand. It's simply a lack of understanding, and a lack of interest. I dunno if you can call it laziness, but it sure isn't good for anything.

    Don't even bother the least when normal people say such things.
    But do bother if it is someone who actually practices MA himself, or seem to be have welldocumented knowledge about the matter. Then investigate from as many sources as possible, and confront the commentator with your newly gained knowledge to get an educating discussion started.

    Never try to defend any concept or idea. Neither your own or others. Look at the facts and contemplate them to form a larger perspective and a deeper understanding.

    Someone says something is self mutilation. Well, then examine the accused action, to see if it makes anything look/feel mutilated. If not, the accuser is wrong. So why bother?

    What's the point of MA if i pull a gun on you? Just tell them, MA isn't really about defending yourself to keep you alive. Then their small brains will surely collide.
    If you seek the answer, there's plenty of stuff to read on this site.

    good luck.


    • #3


      well, i dunno about all that but

      people are different, and there are alot of people..and im assuming your in highschool so people your dealing with are pretty young(like me) and errmmm they arent exactly the most diverse people..they just do what they want to do..i know i did when i was in highschool..

      but even besides highschool kids, most people later on wont care about your martial arts..if they see you practicing..they most likely arent going to walk up and critisize you or something..cause they are a *little* more mature

      and girls..well they are usually pretty dumb..espcially young girls..i know i may come off as sort of a male supremicist and what not around alot of girls..ive known alot..i have 3 friends have sisters..their sisters have sisters..bla bla

      girls dont know whats good for them untill they are like 40 years old, and even then they are still doing the stupid shit that boys got out of the way when they were 16

      so..dont worry about that

      and..keep your head up, ma training is one of the best things in the world!

      "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


      • #4
        Is it just me, or do other people get crap for the kind of training they do. I mean, if i start conditioning my shins at home with bamboo or a sandbag, i get told it's self mutilation! Funny coming from someone with 4 holes in her ears but...
        Well Chris, you're learning a great lesson here in life.

        Remember three things:
        People are stupid.
        We do stupid things.
        We do stupid things, again, and again, and again...

        OOPS, I'm showing my jaded cynical self. Hey, forgive me, I've had a bad year so far....

        But, to try to get my diatribe up to a more informative level, you're basically dealing with a society, I think, that is getting "dumber" by the decade. Just look at what's on television (yea, me, LOL). Just look at our educational system (the debacle in Florida is a great example), look at where our society stresses the flow of money (huge amounts to idiot entertainers, less and less to society's educated and hard working), look at the US' largest growing "economy" now (litigation). In Las Vegas, probably one of the largest growing sub-economies are strip clubs. Imagine, a girl gets out of high school, and if she has any sort of a "look", she'll head to work at a strip club, or a totally nude club. (Why work at Home Depot for seven bucks an hour when you can make a few hundred a night?) Is there any reason to go to college and get a real education and a real career? And when you look at all the new strip clubs that are opening up here, it gets worrisome. I won't even get into how that experience completely screws these girls up. Educated people are at a premium in Las Vegas; ignorance is not. Whatever happened to study, education, hard work, dedication, devotion, advancement and reward? It's sad. Truly sad.

        So when you see people looking at you funny for practicing a "dead art", well, they just don't understand. I wouldn't worry about it.

        From a scientific standpoint, remember this, lol. By definitiion, half the society has an IQ less than 100. (140 being genius, 60 being mentally retarded). Scary, when you think about it.

        I don't mean to come off as being demeaning. But as I've gotten older, I've just gone through some changes, and I see things in a different light now. Maybe it has to do with the environment that I now live in (when I was in New York, it seemed that everybody went to college to formulate a career). I don't seem to see that same drive and ambition out here.

        girls dont know whats good for them untill they are like 40 years old, and even then they are still doing the stupid shit that boys got out of the way when they were 16
        Maestro, you truly impress me. You have come a long way my man. I am truly impressed. Looks like you've spent some time in Las Vegas, lol....
        Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

        "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

        (more comments in my User Profile)


        • #5
          i dunno

          doc whered you get that statistic?

          the iq one i mean?

          and arent iq tests supposed to be biased?

          cause i mean..they can only test your knowledge not your potential

          if you think about the amount of people out there with wasted potential due to any number of things(like education like you said)

          vs that of people that are sadly just born with a low lvl of mental capacity..

          i think thats even worse then the situation you described

          because thats a huge waste

          i dunno though..ive never taken an iq test so i dont know that much about it..

          but doc is right

          "people" ingeneral are stupid

          but dont go judgeing a person because they say one thing or another, if THEY want(not you) to be enlightened on what you do then do it as delicately and easily as shouldnt have to struggle to explain what your favorite thing to do is, just like you can probably name your favorite color off the top of your head..

          GREY!! whooo look at that..shite that was hard
          "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


          • #6
            It's not really a statistic. It's a definition, if I remember correctly. An IQ of 100 has been set to be at the fiftieth percentile of the population; and because we all fit into a bell curve (in many different ways), 60 is defined as mentally diminished, and 140 is defined as genius. Most people fit into the 80 to 120 range, also because of the bell curve; few, fit below 60 or above 140.

            The problem with IQ tests is that they don't necessarily define true intelligence; some think that they're more a test of visual perception. They also don't account for "street smarts", experience that we accumulate from our various life adventures. But, at this point in time, that's what it's used for. We'll have to wait for the neuropsychologists to come up with something less visually oriented.
            Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

            "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

            (more comments in my User Profile)

