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Sources of calcium

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  • #16
    I've been oh so lonely....

    Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

    "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

    (more comments in my User Profile)


    • #17
      Some folks disagree with ya on the old milk thingy. Weston price website has loads of info although it is biased. Weston price was an interesting guy. He studied the effect of traditional and modern diets on bone health. It is interesting. The photos of traditional diet kids look great. They all look healthy and have perfect smiles. He found modern diets led to crowded teeth, bad bone formation and loss of height.

      Soy is also a controversial issue with the asian diet. A lot of folks think soy buggers up the hormones and that's why you don't get too many big muscular people in asia.

      Coral calcium? Apprently the folks who sell that are in big trouble for blaitantly lying. I wouldn't touch that with a barge pole.

      This comes down to the whole paleo/traditional diet thingy. I've read a lot about it. I decided the paleo diet probaly is the healthiest diet but we don't know for sure what it exactly was. We do know what it wasn't though. I guess though, if ya do qi gong then you don't need a healthy diet as much.

      I think asians tend to use lots of polyunsaturate oils that have far too much omega 6 and are cooked with at high temperatures which turnes the oil rancid too....
      help me, i'm confused


      • #18
        Yes, if you're sucking it directly out of the cow.

        Doc on his last trip in the countryside...
        Attached Files
        Don’t take life too serious, as you won’t get out of it alive anyway.


        • #19
          As for the milk thingy, just remember one thing about "studies". You can make them "prove" whatever it is you want to prove. It's done in the medical journals all the time. I truly doubt that milk straight from a cow's tit has more nutritional value than milk out of a carton, to the point that it prevents crooked teeth, ugly bones, and short kids. It's only milk.

          Asians do use a lot of polyunsaturated oils; but they tend to use a lot of peanut oil, which, as I remember correclty, is high in cholesterol, which was one reason why Carvel ice cream, though oh so good, was oh so bad for you. And, they do cook at high heat, which might make it rancid, but, does something else far more dastardly. It changes the oil from a poyunsaturated state, to a saturated state, which makes it far more deadly health wise.

          The Asians are probably less muscular because of genetics and diminished protein intake. You're just not going to look like Arnold when most of your protein comes from colored and shaped tofu.
          Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

          "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

          (more comments in my User Profile)


          • #20
            OK, how come I missed THAT...

            LOL, a tit is sometimes, just a tit...
            Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

            "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

            (more comments in my User Profile)


            • #21
              We'll find out for sure one day Doc. Gotta shoot all the biased scientists first though...
              help me, i'm confused


              • #22
                Gotta shoot all the biased scientists first though...
                Good luck with that one, when you are done with the biased scientists, why don't you try to take care of all the biased political types...
                practice wu de


                • #23
                  Here's a webpage that lists some calcium-rich foods:


                  Of course, according to this, dairy based products pretty much smoke any vegetables out there when it comes to calcium content.


                  Here's another page, with even more entries...



                  • #24
                    Those two tables arn't too handy. You need one that shows amout of calcium absorbed. You'll find milk = broccoli if i remember correctly.
                    help me, i'm confused


                    • #25
                      Gotta shoot all the biased scientists first though...
                      Teehee, does that we mean we get to shoot all the scientists? Cause that may or may not put some industries in a tight spot

                      I'm sorry, I'm still having trouble coping with the fact that I wrote a twelve page paper on the fallacy of scientific objectivity.
                      Show me a man who has forgotten words, so that I can have a word with him.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bungle
                        Those two tables arn't too handy. You need one that shows amout of calcium absorbed. You'll find milk = broccoli if i remember correctly.
                        Interesting. I'll need to look in to that.

