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The "doc hates Yanming's family" email

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  • #76

    Lack of a foreign language skill does not equal lying or inability to converse or understand. Good interpreters abound. Plus, this is America (First Amendment). Did this guy have a master at Shaolin or not? That's the question. To be fair.


    • #77
      because he doesnt speak chinese..

      is that really a good reason to discredit him? obviously he communicates well enough to get all the monks over on christmas or to take tours of people to shaolin and to set up a school in thailand.

      i dont even care about lineage anyway. i dont really think it matters anymore then giveing credit to the people who passed down knowledge, i dont agree with people using a teacher as validation of anything.

      yan ming obviously has some skills, and he should be paid to teach them..but makeing a bunch of people "disciples" and mistreating students and all this crazy shit is really just...crazy. hes a martial arts teacher thats it, he doesnt know shit about the universe or wisdom or anything he can break bricks and jump high and kick stuff and he will even shave your head and give u a robe if you pay him enough

      i dont see why theres so much controversy, yan ming isnt even that good, hes just had good marketing lolo

      why do all the good people have to be so selfish and spend all their time developeing skills, why arent they out there making shaven headed cults and chargeing obscene prices for wushu classes
      "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


      • #78
        Basically everything MAestro just said is true... wow never thought I'd say that... Yan ming teaches the most basic of stuff. There are not advanced forms taught or any weapon past staff. There is only ONE count em ONE staff form ever taught there. The skill of the students there is not too impressive. I wouldnt even call it a martial arts school I'd call it a social hang out.

        I dont really get involved in talking about this crap anymore because, well, there isnt really anything to say. The only thing that place has going for it is it creates a social network for lonely people. In that regard it does its job very well.

        Who cares about Yan Ming the guy is a total jackass. I dont even care about the people he rips off anymore. They are adults that can deal with the consequences themselves. I DO care about the kids that train there though. They still have a chance at a decent martial arts "career".
        The essential point in science it not a complicated mathematical formalism or a ritualized experimentation. Rather the heart of science is a kind of shrewd honesty the springs from really wanting to know what the hell is going on!


        • #79
          Dont know the guy, but i think if you want to know if he is a true or false shaolin monk you should make him pass the test of the first precept:

          Pânâtipâtâ veramani sikkhâ padam samâdiyâmi
          I take the precept to abstain from destroying living beings

          In chinese: 不杀生 Bu sha sheng

          Beware of the false monks. Sun Wu Kong had to pass trough many false monks, they might be ghost and demonic monks!

          Peace and love


          • #80
            Well, I've been found out. Exposed. All my secrets, out in the open.

            I've tried to use what little Mandarin I've attempted to learn over the years, and it basically has gotten me no farther than a sixty year old guy with food stamps in a whore house. The five words of Chinese that I remember just didn't get me too far. And for your information, "Ni" and "Hao" were two of those five. I pronounce the other three a little better.

            I've used electronic translator devices to communicate with monks and the like, with interesting results. Finding batteries in China that last longer than an hour or two is almost as easy as finding a virgin in Thailand.

            I've used good friends who were fluent in English and Chinese over the years, but, you know, it's like having a third wheel on a hot date. Not only are they with you all the time, you have to feed and house them too.

            And I've even spent money, significant amounts of it, paying qualified translators to help me with my interviews of people. What a nightmare. You always end up eating where they want to eat. And you have to pretend to be interested in their horribly boring lives.

            But, shit, you know, it just wasn't worth it. It was just too much work. Too much aggravation.

            So, all these hundreds of entries and pages, over the past twelve years of this web site's history, now you know. You figured it out.

            It's all bullshit.

            I made it all up.

            All those viewers over all of those years, deceived. It was fun while it lasted.
            Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

            "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

            (more comments in my User Profile)


            • #81
              I guess since it was all a lie I will go back to USAST tomorrow and start training there again. What a fool I was....
              The essential point in science it not a complicated mathematical formalism or a ritualized experimentation. Rather the heart of science is a kind of shrewd honesty the springs from really wanting to know what the hell is going on!


              • #82
                Sorry man. I know how hard this must be on you.

                Go back and give him a great big kiss. I know you missed him.
                Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                (more comments in my User Profile)


                • #83
                  I'll be sure to bring 3 virgins as offerings for him to let me return...
                  The essential point in science it not a complicated mathematical formalism or a ritualized experimentation. Rather the heart of science is a kind of shrewd honesty the springs from really wanting to know what the hell is going on!


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Iron Cross View Post
                    I'll be sure to bring 3 virgins as offerings for him to let me return...
                    better make it 4 to play it
                    "For some reason I'm in a good mood today. I haven't left the house yet, though. "

                    "fa hui, you make buddhism sexy." -Zachsan

                    "Friends don't let friends do Taekwondo." -Nancy Reagan


                    • #85
                      lolo i decided to read this thread again and i got some good laughs only 2-3 pages in, like this;

                      "Just as a word of advise to anyone planning to teach in China, do a lot of research in to what you should be able to expect from a contract before coming here, such as pay (6000rmb p/m) housing, vacation pay, hours teaching, weekends off, assistance in securing your visa/residency permit, etc. Also, when you do find a school you are interested in, try and contact a teacher who has taught there before to really get the low down on the situation there. Anyone interested can feel free to contact me, just let me know.
                      For example, you would love my boss and think he was the greatest guy in the world as long as you've never worked for him. Turns out he's a snake. A piece of two faced shit. If there's a hell, he'll be down there suckin Sadam's cock someday."

                      lol this guy is talking about his boss at a chinese school where he teaches english, his storys about china crack me up lolo. even after all the stuff i read here when i went to hk i was surprised at the way things were, and hk is probably 1000 times better then the mainland lolo

                      ah good times, wish these peeps still posted here
                      "did you ask me to consider dick with you??" blooming tianshi lotus


                      • #86
                        I think that the guy who posted that, posted it about the school in Yantai or Siping.

                        I just had lunch with him yesterday. He was in Phuket and he contacted me.

                        He has stories...
                        Experienced Community organizer. Yeah, let's choose him to run the free world. It will be historic. What could possibly go wrong...

                        "You're just a jaded cynical mother****er...." Jeffpeg

                        (more comments in my User Profile)


                        • #87
                          The email titled "The doc hates Yanming's family" seems to refer to a situation where someone, possibly a doctor, has expressed negative feelings towards Yanming's family. This could imply a conflict or misunderstanding, possibly affecting the relationship between the doctor and the family. It's essential to address such issues promptly to ensure that all parties feel respected and understood.

                          If you're dealing with something important, like this situation, and need to send a letter, don't forget that using a reliable address is crucial. For instance, you might need to send it to po box 4115 concord ca 94524 letter to ensure it reaches the right person and is taken seriously.

